Why not issue a MCSE from the same place
For $199.00 it is probably worth the same amount of money. Included with "hints" and four chances for the correct answer.
Sounds like a deal to me.
A cat belonging to a US and Canada Better Business Bureau exec has been granted a high school diploma. Yes, it's an online high school. According to a report by msnbc.com, the two-year-old feline graduated from Jefferson High School Online (JHSO), an institution so confident in its pedagogical perfection that it offers a money …
I doubt that my cat could pass this at all. In a 24 hour day he spends an hour to 2 hours active (active includes going to take a shit, running into doors before someone close them AFTER he went through them and eating), 12 hours worth licking his floppy sac or ass and the final 32 hours sleeping.
Yes I know the math is wrong but I swear to god my cat has figure out how to extend time. But he is an absolute total moron.
Another question is this. Rik you sure this article is you and not Lester? Could have sworn he deals with the funny shit and you dealt with Apple :-P
So anyway unless there is a 'degree' for being a total idiot and managing to bend space time to sleep more time then there is in a day I doubt it.
/Though its funny if you think about it. This article on the day I decide to go $18k in debt each year for 2 years to work on Masters.........weeeeee
/Im going to go drown myself in beer because I dont remmeber it costing this much before......
We have accredited courses over here that are as easy to pass and I suspect that the organisations delivering them make a shed load more than $199. Wasn't there an article on here yesterday about a kid who got a Unit 1 pass in 'catching the bus'?
You can get half a GCSE grade C in maths or english by taking a multiple choice online test, if you fail you can retake it immediately and I've heard of teachers giving pupils hints while they take them! Gotta hit them targets...
'FAIL' because, ironically, you can't.
"Oreo could have saved twenty-five bucks. Dumb cat."
And there's your accounting skill at 'basic' level.
Still, considering all the time and money (and yes indeed, effort) that went into my (local equivalent of) High School graduation, that $25,- all of a sudden doesn't seem very much.
Paris, for obvious reasons
A guy I worked with in Seattle, WA, about 15 years ago got his cat a credit card after his wife got turned down for one because of some meaningless detail. The dog's application went through without a hitch, despite the doggie being only 6 years old, while one has to be 18 to legally have credit in the US.
When the credit card arrived, the dog of course headed straight to the local pet store for a large supply of his favourite food, and paid with his new credit card. The clerk was a bit skeptical to a paw print for a signature, but admitted this was the best a dog could do.
I imagine a cat's paw would have fit the signature line better?
Of course nowadays, when petrol stations and supermarkets don't take cheques, and we use credit and debit cards, and perform online shopping for things like certificates in life skills, the cheque-book balancing skill is about as useful as adding up £sd columns--both of which I can do, but who needs 'em? The kitteh is welcome to the diploma but I still won't hire her.
Too true. American HS degree consists of sitting on your arse in a chair collecting social promotions for 4 years. Only a total imbecile could blow that. Natch, the list of offenders from Hollywood is rather long.
OTOH, the GED actually forces them to know something, since they have to pass a test, which the little snowflakes don't hardly have to do to graduate (it might damage their 'self esteem'.) Your only chance of an education in the US is to go to a university -- they'll take you if you're warm, but you have to pass a test to graduate. <cue music="tinytinyviolin">Oh, the pain of being asked to prove what you know.</cue>
Just yesterday I was working on a presentation for the office when ppt just "evaporated" -- no error dialog, no chance to save my work and no apologies. I swore and slapped the desk. Immediately, my cat jumped up, walked on the keyboard, stuck its tail in my face as it sniffed the screen, then turned around, meowed at me, jumped back down and commenced to licking its butt. Almost exactly the same response I'm accustomed to from our Helldesk, except they don't aspire to the same level of personal hygiene.
Getting School Certificates Easily
Gaining Supposed Certification for Education
Generally, Sh*t-brained Cretins "Educated"
Year on year, our wonderful Education establishment (the politicians who "run" it, anyway) tells us that exams are not getting easier, and that the modern GSCEs (introduced circa 1987, ISTR) are easily the equivalent of the previous system - even though it is increasingly difficult to find recent school-leavers who can do simple mental arithmatic (even working out change in shops is beyond most of them!), have even a basic grasp of the sciences (no understanding of even basic principles like where babies come from, Newton's laws of motion and how they apply to speeding cars, how concreting all your available land area leads to flooding and nowhere to grow food...) and certainly no grasp of history (Labour in, taxes and public spending go through the roof - Labour out, financial stability almost reached and then Labour get back in again... the rich may have got much richer under the Tories, but then so did the poor. Under Labour - especially New Labour - only the Chosen Few get richer; and to make matters worse, this time around, the biggest "winners" are the ones who caused the biggest part of the nightmare in the first place. Way to go Gordo, *really* punish those Bank execs why don't you?).
"the rich may have got much richer under the Tories, but then so did the poor."
Err what? Yes I remember those days, when I was one of these so-called 'rich' poor. I loved my lower wages, the introduction of double-digit VAT and making organised union activity all but illegal.
I remember particularly a tax on the poor that allowed local governments the right to tax people for living in a house rather than owning one. Nowhere else in the western world does a renter pay property taxes. The owner of the property is responsible for those taxes because he or she is making money renting that property and responsible for there being an extra person for which services are required. It's part of the responsibility for the privilege of owning property. That's how it works in every country I've lived except Britain. In no way is it fair for someone to make money from a person as well as simultaneously push their tax burden onto that person.
It would be like paying the property taxes of your local Blockbuster owners because you rented some DVDs. Without your custom there would be no one occupying the building, using city services, therefore you are responsible for the need for rubbish collection and street lighting at that location. Why not? What exactly is the difference? Why not shift the income tax of BP's CEO onto everyone that drives a car? If you didn't use the petrol he sells there wouldn't be any income, so it's your responsibility to pay his bills. Perfect logic in a world where rich property owners don't pay their own taxes if you ask me.