Am I the only one...
...who's becoming a bit tired of the phrase "only on O2"?
Samsung’s first Android-based mobile phone – the Galaxy i7500 - will be launched next week, Register Hardware has discovered. Samsung_I7500 Samsung's Galaxy: out next week on O2 Staff at a handful of O2 retail outlets consulted the chain’s stock management system on our behalf, and told us that the device – which features …
As soon as there s an Android that supports Skype over wifi I'm getting one, but not before (with the 3G coverage being so patchy)
Until then i'm staying with Fring (the native skype for symbian doesnt support wifi) on my Nokia E71)
Of course the carriers hate that and so part of the Customer Experience is to make sure there are no naughty apps and that it is sufficiently locked down
This is the trend started by Apple I am afraid - locked down devices that can only install approved apps (Symbian were too early and too open to close their platform in that way - so far).
Now where's the jailbroken Android?
Android handsets now available on Voda, O2, T-Mob and Orange. That can only be a good thing.
Worldwide HTC Magic sales topped the one-million mark this week too, which isn't bad considering it was only released a couple of months ago. Okay, so it's got a way to go before it starts harassing the iPhone, but competition in this market can only be a good thing.
For me, that phrase just means that the handset is one I'll never own.
I don't like handset exclusives, never have and never will. I might have had an iPhone if it'd been available on other networks, as I'm not going to shell at that much money for a SIM-free one.
I choose my network based on performance, reliability, price, and signal strength in the areas that I need to be, not on the handsets that they offer subsidized under contract.
Other exclusive O2 features
Free three day data outage!
Free three day international roaming voice and data outage!!
Free three days of music while you sit in the customer service call queue!!!
All of these stunning service options come included in your standard package.
Call us now to get a free sample of our free music whilst you wait for Jane, our customer service representative, to get back from her lunch break.
No, you are not the only one
Not just "only on O2", but "only" on any network, surely moves like these by phone manufacturers severely limit how many handsets they sell.
Or does the nice payout from O2 (or similar) balance things out??
Also, do all of these "exclusive" network deals have an end date? Like with the latest iPhone
With Android, you are free to install any application you like. That is one of the big advantages over the iPhone: It is a very open platform.
As for exclusivity, there are already retailers offering the i7500 unlocked. That will allow you to use it with any network. And the pricing is transparent that way.
I've been after this phone for a couple of weeks. Was told by O2 CS on the phone that it was due out w/c 10th August. Phoned them every day this week to see, nothing. Called into the local retailer, and was told it was meant to be in-store by the 17th, so it would probably come in on the delivery today. This was later confirmed by someone from O2 on the phone saying that the release had been pushed back w/c 17th.
Just got back, after having been told that there is "a problem with the software" that the stores have had a memo about, and that the release has been pushed back with no projected date.
Not sure what the "software" problem supposedly is, especially as this phone is ALREADY out, and has been for a month or so, on O2 in Germany...
By Christ O2 are useless.
@spegru: There is no need for a 'jailbroken android' - there's a standard option to install apps from any source, not just the Android marketplace. e.g. Skype could put a non-carrier-approved version for download on their website, noone could stop them.
Network whingers:
All mobile networks have their own exclusivity deals on certain handsets. Some even do it for certain colour versions of the same model. TV networks do it. Microsoft and Sony do it. It's business.
I had never used T-Mobile before, now I'm stuck with them for 18 months. Seem OK. They're not perfect, but no worse than the others I've been on.
@Ian Tunnacliffe:
A mobile contract signs you to a network for a fixed period. You get a new subsidised handset on signing up for a new contract. No mobile network will subsidise you a new handset until your old contract has finished. At which point you are free to leave for another network.
So if Vodafone did do the iPhone or Samsung you still wouldn't be getting either until your contract runs out.
Roll on end of contract, and SonyEricsson Rachel!
Is the "Customer Experience Process" also the reason O2 are promising the Palm Pre "before Christmas"? Can't they just slap their access points and voicemail number in the phone (which should take moments) and throw it out the door to the baying pack? Surely offering the latest new phones is good business sense?
Re exclusivity deals: They should keep these at the level of "brown version of the phone exclusive to network". All it does is force phone handset companies to produce far too many almost-identical phones, which can't help anyone.
When I called to get a PAC code from o2 they offered me this handset as an alternative to the HTC hero, I told them to get stuffed.. They told me that it was going to launch around the end of the month (think he said 28th but not 100% on it)
If you want an Android phone you have the option of:
Samsung Galaxy - o2
HTC Hero - Orange & T Mobile (called the g2 touch)
HTC Magic - Vodaphone
Android is on pretty much all carriers, surely 3 will get one soon enough.
Doubt this one will sell as Samsung have been making some pretty dodgey phones recently..
For once, a smart phone article that DOESN'T mention Apple or iPhone. But of course the first 2 or 3 comments do. I thought you haters, uh, hated always having to read iphone this and iphone that in articles about other smart phones.
Well, congrats, this article's for you. So why bring it up then?
Had a HTC Magic on Vodafone for 3 months now and absolutely love it. The Samsung sorts out the only negative points in the magic - the crap camera and 3.5mm jack. Yes the battery life does only last a day if you spend all your time surfing the web, using Sat-Nav, finding the nearest local cinema/restaurant etc but if you use it as a phone it'll last 2-3 days at least. The touchscreen is a joy to use, as is Android and the marketplace offers you hundreds of programs to waste your time playing with. Best thing is the Magic fits more nicely in the pocket than an iphone, noka n97 or any other smartphone I know of. Either wait for the samsung or get a magic, I don't think you'll be disappointed!.