WTH 1500 byte packets?
You have to be kidding me. What a bunch of morons.
It would be tough to call the development of 100 Gigabit Ethernet switches and adapters a shovel-ready project, but the Obama administration's stimulus package is picking up the $62m tab to help get faster networks to market. The $787bn American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was signed into law in February, allocates …
For people to truly understand the debate on healthcare they need to understand the stimulus bill was passed unread and signed unread. It was also a thousand pages long and was voted on four hours after it was completed. Obama signed it unread after spending a four day Valentines day mini vacation after being on the job for a month or so.
The White house tried to ram through the health care vote unread in three weeks. Congressman are on video saying that they are not even going to bother to read it.
Obama spent more time picking out a dog than he has on any major piece of legislation.
I wonder what other nonsense is in the Stimulus bill.