back to article Dell's first phone spied on web

Images have leaked onto the web of the smartphone that PC maker Dell is rumoured to be on the cusp of launching. Dell_smartphone_01 Dell's smartphone could launch into China soon Despite being monumentally blurred, the phone’s front, side and rear shots reveal a svelte Dell-branded device. The iPhone-esque app-based menu …


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  1. Nicholas McGee 1

    Looks very..


  2. Anonymous Coward

    Deja vu

    Why do all phones look like iPhones these days?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just for once...

    ... let it not be an O2 exclusive.

  4. Havin_it


    Hmm, soft-focus was a good move, at least I've still got a bit of retina left.

    Every bit as fugly as I expected from Dell.

    Dell = Skynet, the plan to take down humanity hinges on swamping us with horrendous phones that make our eyes and brains leap for freedom, AICMFP.

  5. Mickey Porkpies
    Thumb Down

    Long term commitment?

    why would I buy a phone from a company that brought out Axim handhelds and dropped them. I suspect Dell will try this and if doesn't make them a packet quietly discontinue them leaving a bunch of users with unsupported outdated expensive MP3 player.

    The iphone may be the 80's Red Sports Car signifies something of the decade but at least they invest in it (and backwardly for old generation users) This is one for the must avoids

  6. Shades

    If its anything like their laptops*

    It won't use a standard MicroSD card it'll have some proprietary nonsense. It'll be locked down tighter than Fort Knox and you'll have to ask Dell if you want to change any settings.

    *Their old ones at least.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Oh dear.

    That's awful.

    Let's hope it's an O2-exclusive, as that'll ensure there's absolutely no way I'll ever own one.

  8. Test Man

    Re: Deja vu

    Exactly. All copying, no innovation. That's why they'll all fail.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Please let it be an O2 exclusive

    for once I'd be glad not to be on O2 then ;-)

    It looks like a piece of sh&t . . . good luck on it not breaking within 2 weeks

  10. Richard 102

    @Deja vu

    "Why do all phones look like iPhones these days?"

    Why do you have to ask?

  11. Dr. Mouse


    ... the charger and USB cables will be coiled so tight they will only make intermittent connections :)

  12. h 6

    Won't buy one but

    I won't be buying one of these, if it really exists, but I hope they ship each in a hugh box taped to a pallet.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Longphone is looooong.

  14. Wrenchy


    As much as I like the hardware, the iPhone home screen is a bit too 'busy' for me. If there are a lot of apps installed, it's hard on the eyes as you are scrolling page after page of icons. I would prefer if the regular home screen would be clean with only the icons that you want / need on it. I like the Android interface because of this. Have the home screen full or empty. Your choice. All the apps in a sliding drawer that you can scroll through - if you need to.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up


    Why all the negativity? I say:

    Great screen, nHD resolution is far better than the HVGA in other Android phones and iPhones.

    Light weight! Much lighter than other Android phones and Apple's behemoth. And much thinner than the other Androids (though only slightly thinner than the iPhone)

    The camera has a flash (and it's quality cannot possibly be any worse than the iPhone's - or most of the other current Android phones, either)

    A Blackberry is ugly. A G1 is ugly. But this phone is not ugly; it is not beautiful, either, unlike an iPhone, but it is OK.

    What's wrong with Dell? I have a Dell laptop and desktop, and in my office all of the computers are Dells, and they are all pretty decent. Not as pretty as Macs, but one third the price, and service is a lot better.

    I do hope it sells in Europe (and for not too many €!)

  16. Anonymous Coward


    ...they didn't take those snaps using the DelliPhone camera!

  17. Martin Maloney

    Killing this dumb thread

    I doubt that this will become a successful product, and I can usually, erm, telephony.

  18. Robert E A Harvey
    Thumb Down

    no wifi?

    So /Dell/ are selling a phone with no wifi. Isn't that kind of screwed up?

    That's another one off my list then.

  19. Matt Bryant Silver badge

    Dear fanbois

    If you actually were old enough to own a phone before the advent of the iBone, then you would realise it is simply following many of the design precedents set by phones from such companies as HTC and Nokia.

    As for the Dell effort - no 3G then no interest as far as I'm concerned. That's teh same reason I wasn't interested in the original iBone as other phones/PDAs had offered 3G ages before Apple realised they needed it in their fashion-victim phone.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Like everything else from Dell, the first wave will be reasonable (unimaginative but functional) and all future revisions awful - built by the lowest bidder and filled with the lowest-bidder components.

  21. hexx
    Thumb Down


    :) that's very ugly, no need to to keep it as a secret

  22. Ross 12
    Thumb Down

    who'd have a dell phone?

    Not that I care much about 'cool' brands, but Dell is so uncool it hurts. I've always thought of them as the sort of supplier that middle-aged technophobe managers would go for, as they seem 'safe'. Like the tech equivalent of Rover or something. Carrying a Dell phone around would be like saying 'yes I have a smartphone but I only use it for taking calls'

  23. sleepy

    <title />

    Would this be the dellephone none of the western carriers would touch; Dell's latest attempt to find fresh horses for its tired box shifters and bean counters? A few million Chinese may be about to learn how poor a "name brand" clone can be. (The Chinese are desperate for iPhone , which is perfect for their writing system, and Apple are desperate for the Chinese market, but it's really hard to do a deal when both sides are control freaks.)

    @Wrenchy "Clutter": You can have as few icons as you like on the iPhone home screen. If you don't like scrolling through pages of icons, press the home button and type a few characters of the name of the app you want (3 is usually enough). Or wait for a software update to address this issue).

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