Infinite Supplies of Hardware In The Sky
Everybody who runs a real business has a real hardware budget, and that budget is not infinite. Every sysadmin who configures an online system needs to configure it for a peak capacity; and throttle requests over that capacity or it won't make money. The big lie of online service bureaus (yes kiddies, that's the 1970's term for Clouded Computing; same concept new clothes) is that two customers can cover peak demand at the same time by occupying the same hardware at the same time. Guess what: that doesn't work. The only way shared resources work is if you can predict demand; the only reliable way to predict demand is if you run only batch or throttle traffic at peak. When I did system performance and configuration, I spent a lot of time making sure that resource hogs didn't knock down other apps. What this does is make it easy for one dumb piece of code to lock up everybody else. One clown can wreck the whole circus......