back to article BlackBerry Curve 8520

Research in Motion's latest offering in the BlackBerry Curve range is described as an entry-level model. Indeed, it doesn't have a touch screen, GPS, or even a 3G network connection. However, it is a slim and efficient little work horse at a reasonable price with Wi-Fi, a 2Mp camera and all of Blackberry's push email know-how …


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  1. troldman
    Thumb Up

    Great to lose the trackball

    That's been the biggest problems with BlackBerries. Trackballs are for playing Missile Command and nothing else.

  2. Dave 142


    no 3G? in 2009? wtf

  3. Corin

    Trackball - bye!

    Trackball is something I wouldn't miss! Not a huge fan of how gunky they can get, and they're impossible to clean without voiding the warranty!

    Looks a neat little phone. Pity about the lack of 3G, but for email only it's not really that essential.

  4. dbewick

    Its not actually smaller

    than the 8900.

  5. Tony Smith (Written by Reg staff)


    Fair cop, guv. It's actually 0.04mm thicker than the 8900...

  6. Gareth Irwin

    All these reviews

    Get 80%, I swear to god.

    What is the point of the percentage below 60, why do you people bother with it?

  7. Daniel Harris 1

    No 3G and re: review scores

    I think not having 3G in 2009 is rediculous really. I know there are plenty of phones without it, but somebody buying a Blackberry is usually somebody who would make good use of the extra speed. No Blackberry should come without it. Even if it is only £200.

    If it had 3G i'd probably consider replacing my N95 8GB with it.

    Re review scores, didn't the Blackberry Storm get 40%? Which proves scores below 60% are possible....unless i'm wrong and the Storm got 60%, in which case ignore this.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Review scores

    If you think about it, most new kit will perform its basic functions; a phone will make and receive calls, a printer will make marks on paper. So they're at least 50% of the way to being perfect. The other 50% is really how well they do it, how easy they are to use, how close they get to the ideal. I can't see how you can score a device much below 50%, unless it doesn't perform its basic functions.

  9. Mike 61

    Not even full QWERTY

    Sorry, but a FULL qwerty keyboard has FOUR rows not three. Fail again.

  10. The Indomitable Gall


    No more crappy underresponsive trackball. But given that all the basic functions of a Blackberry expect click-click-up-down, why not just have cursor keys...?

  11. Scott 7
    Big Brother

    2mp Camera

    Someone recently told me that pathetic camera resolution is a requirement of US carriers.

    Can someone in the USA confirm or deny this please?

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ troldman

    'That's been the biggest problems with BlackBerries. Trackballs are for playing Missile Command and nothing else.'

    Absolute nonsense.

    It's also for playing Centipede.

  13. Dangerous Dave

    forget all that.....

    ...what we really need to know is, how does brickbreaker perform using the new touchpad?

  14. Andy Watt

    No 3G....

    No 3G, 2.5 days battery life. Simple. Idle mode procedures in 3G sap it like there's no tomorrow... stick with 2G and EDGE if you keep losing your charger like I do :)

  15. Geoff Johnson


    Have they got HTML e-mail working yet?

  16. Dangerous Dave


    Yeah, HTML emails have been working since device software v4.5 IIRC - got it on my work one since i updated. May also need to be on BES 4.1.6 too, as i updated that at the same time

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