back to article Novell lands full-time staff on openSUSE

The openSUSE project, which creates the development version of Novell's SUSE Linux, is getting a handful of full-time Novell developers. You might find it hard to believe that there were not already full-time staffers dedicated to openSUSE, given the importance of Linux to Novell's future. But apparently, this has been the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Halo

    Tell them to take more bodies off Mono

    There's so many people there (Mono) working on a dead project... .NET for Linux, wooptie fukin doo!!!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Novell would better

    increase its distance from Microsoft and they will get a lot more respect and customers. I believe it is bloody obvious by now that customers are choosing vendor integrity instead of interoperability with MS.

  3. Leszek KENSBOK

    Give me freedom, or give me death.

    SUSE near demise is no big surprise - pathetic zig-zagging around the GUI, non-upgradeable installations (you usually cannot fire up the CLI and hope to heave your system version number), monies from The Sweating Ape, horrid inconsistencies within a release, dropping support to legacy systems in month's rhythm, the story goes on...

    As an old SUSEr of 5-er pedigree, I went to Debian some three years ago, and never looked back.

    The 9-er release was the last stable one. 10.0 was sort of interesting. Afterwards, things went rapidly south, and I decided to not bother myself with SUSE any more.

    Go Fedora, or go Debian. Great, working distros of quality and technical beauty. Ask Mark Shuttleworth about his choice.

    Great KDE on both, Debian and Fedora. Gnome lovers can use them too, of course, just as smoothly as KDE lovers.

    This is not the case with SUSE. Forget it, it is not worth to waste your time on a poor 'system'.

  4. Doug

    OpenSUSE support forum

    I used to be an Open SuSE enthusiast but dropped out because of the very low activity on the forum. That, and they barred me for asking questions about the covenant with Microsoft. The one that says you can't even work on OpenSUSE in your own companies time. And you don't own your own code contributions. Now, I'm a Ubuntu enthusiast.

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