Mostly Junk
There appears to be nothing obviously novel about any of the patent applications, having had a quick scan, and they are full of innacurate and erroneous claims. For instance, they claim there are no messaging and alerting system which allows the recipient to define the method of receiving it - that's clearly bonkers. In our own company, we have got many ways of sending out notifications and alerts, and have had for many years. We probably still have pager gateways soemwhere. Then there are bits about the use of a database to allow for the definition of individuals, contact methods, groups. All of this is standard stuff.
Reading this stuff fills me with despair - largely because if such generic concepts listed in those patent applications are consider novel by the legal system then we are all doomed. The US softwae patent system is truly designed to be a major revenue generator for lawyers, and as the law was no doubt drafted by lawyers, perhaps that should be no suprise.
It's also fairly clear that the purpose of the patent system has been forgotten. The reason it was invented was to give a short term monopoly so that inventors and developers could recover and profit from large investments in research and development. The problem was, without such a system, nobody would invest in such things as a competitor would just copy the idea. So it was meant as a means of encouraging investment. Now we have a system where some companies just throw hundred of speculative ideas into the patent system, often without any credible plan to produce anything, just on the basis that they could get really lucky in the future an win royalties from a few f these.