I looked at this : http://filesoup.com/forum/news_updates-f9-arrested_now_on_bail_guilty_until_i_prove_im_innocent-t29230.html
If true, this is really quite worrying.
I don't ever trust the police after some of my dealings with them, I stay clear of them but the bit that worries me is this:
"I was given a multi-paged document entitled:
Notice of Excercise of Additional Powers of Seizure under Sections 50 or 51 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, which listed the same items as above. It gave this information for anyone wishing to make an application for the return of seized property in this case or an application to attend examination of seized property, should apply to:
Neil Gardner
Senior Investigator
Federation Against Copyright Theft
Europa House
Church Street
Old Isleworth
TW7 6DA"
Why is it that a company that is potientially biased to the ways of the private company can take and hold your personal equipment? After all this a limited (i.e private) company - i.e not publicly owned, this annoys me as what is to say that they don't fit you up. They could easily tamer with the so called evidence.
Personally I think their should be publicly owned or is contracted to do it. I want a police force that I can trust, this shit is very gestapo like.
It's like this country has looked at Nazi Germany or Russia under Stalin and said "we all aspire to be like them!!". I think the real reason for the crack down on peer to peer isn't so much the illegal copying. it's the freedom of information.
I think governments don't like things which they cannot censor or is difficult to censor and the US companies don't like the fact people can download stuff and have a element of control over their lives.
I think it will bite the hand that feeds it though - I was in a library today and looked at rent-able DVDs and albums and some of the artists I had never heard of, sure there were the popular big bands/artists but there were bands and artists I had never heard of - I thought I could download those but why bother?