Perhaps it is a worldwide indicator?
With one I suppose there is an expectation of fulfillment whereas the other has an expectation of frustrated fulfillment?
Chinese citizens consider prostitutes more trustworthy than politicians, according to a survey which suggests the Chinese are not that different to Westerners after all. Hookers came top in the survey by Xiaokang Magazine, China Daily reports, with farmers, religious workers, soldiers and students rounding out the top five. …
China Daily adds of politicians "At least they have not slid into the least credible category, which consists of real estate developers, secretaries, agents, entertainers and directors."
But I bet they've 'slid' into the most credible category once or twice, eh?
Paris, because she could be either.
One interesting part of this survey is that the most trusted group of people at the top of the list are only trusted by about 10% of respondents. Eg. Overall most people don't trust anyone else - which a good reflection of how things are in Chinese society.
In UK I think you would get at least 70-80% of people saying that they trust the police, and there would be quite a fair number of categories of people getting at least 50% trust levels.
But trust the politicians' mothers?
Sorry, that joke didn't translate so well, over here it's a common and grave offense to call someone "son of a..." well, you get the drift.
I quite liked some buttons I've seen last election: "This year I'll vote for the hookers, because I've given up on their children".
"I for one..... welcome our Chinese prostitute overloads"..By Andy Barber Posted Wednesday 5th August 2009 10:42 GMT
Seconded, Andy, And I for one ..... welcome our Chinese prostitute overlodes.
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"Chinese citizens consider prostitutes more trustworthy than politicians..."
That's because when you want to get screwed, you go with the hookers, when you *don't* want to get screwed...
The politician is more likely to steal cash out of you wallet when you're not looking, and more likely to give you a burning sensation while urinating.
Most brothels seem to operate out of hairdressers in China, hence the large numbers of the same open at 3am, with bored looking women slouching around behind the blue smoked glass inside. Hairdressing often comes with a head massage too, so it's a great stress buster without the "extras" :-)
Mr. Fiennes is probably talking about Taiwan, on the mainland hairdressers are usually just that, but they do have establishments with well over 1,000 "hostesses", many of whom are very interested in things IT in addition to their "day jobs". Maybe El Reg should send someone to investigate. Now its an IT story. Mine's the one with RMB¥ in the pocket see you in the morning :)