Brilliant Deal!
Well done to MS - they get access to all of the Yahoo goodness without having to buy them.
It's all over - Microsoft and Yahoo! have finally signed a search deal which means the end of Yahoo!'s long-developed independent search engine. The 10-year agreement means Yahoo! will use Microsoft's search technology and in exchange will sell both its own and Microsoft's search ads. Both companies will keep display ads sales …
Stop wasting your time and ours.
1). Google have become the market leader because their service is simple, uncluttered and works.
2). You have and will have nothing "novel" enough to pull users away from Google's long established service.
3). Individually you are poor companies - MS - you are a monolitic and greedy entity who thinks it has a rightful place in every part of the IT market. You don't. Perhaps in the 80's and 90's you were edgy and fresh and rightfully grew, now you feel archaic and bloated. Yahoo, you service is cluttered and ugly. You rightfully lost the search battle with Google and have done nothing that i am aware of worth using for many years.
4). You have both tried to compete with Google for a decade and failed. Guess what, the exact same thing will happen again.
So, in conclusion, stop boring us with your crap and pointless plans. Go do something useful.
Google brought something nasty to internet searching, the idea that search rank should be somehow commercially influenced. I know most other engines have followed suit, but I blame Google. So I try to avoid them and try other search engines first, if you want good results the more search engines you use the better. Search engines that aggregate the results of other search engines are a great idea.
So from my point of view the Microhoo! agreement can only be a bad thing since it reduces the number of search engines out there.
What's the big deal with Yahoo!? They have a WWW directory thing that went out of fashion when Altavista came along, a quite popular mailing list manager they bought, the weather and financial charts for people who don't need anything better than "free". I wouldn't give $1 million for them.
No one hurt, no one bothered.
Google will only be challenged when someone comes up with: a) a snappy name, b) a very comprehensive index, and c) a better quality search engine.
Google sucks, but it sucks less than the competition. which, frankly, is a damning indictment of the competition, because Google really sucks bigtime.
WTF? I'm sure when this whole will-they-won't-they thing started MS wanted Yahoo's search engine. But it's been going on so long maybe I just don't remember right. Anyway, in the light of the whole sorry story this result looks just weird. MS is doing WHAT for WHY? Basically trying to buy market share - and if people who use Yahoo do it cause they LIKE yahoo they ain't going to necessarily like Bing are they. Looks like an opening to a FAIL.
"This deal will combine Yahoo! and Microsoft search marketplaces so that advertisers no longer have to rely on one company that dominates more than 70 percent of all search."
MS have shot themselves in the foot. The exact same thing can be said about the Desktop OS market - being dominated by one company must be a bad thing too.
Oh, sorry, it's only a bad thing when it's not MS.
Couldn't agree more, mate, well said, here have a pint on me...
Our site currently gets about 3,500 hits a month from google sources, and about 90 from Yahoo (yes, nine zero). Even though we are well placed (top 3 results) in yahoo searches for our chosen key phrases, it's laughable really.
Even AOL searchs beat yahoo in our stats, and that's just because of the AOL toolbar that gets included in most luser ware.
Could find their own arse using both hands and a torch. Sticking with Google as it actually finds what I'm looking for and it's a good FOSS supporter
Anyone noticed that MS says using their technology, doesn't yahoo run on FOSS (BSD) ? So MS is looking to remove a FOSS sponsor and extend their shit, insecure, virus ridden OS monopoly. Anyone care to expand on this point ?
How about this for a new name :
Gay Bi Ho No
Yahoo! "search technology" was originally an expansion of the DMOZ.org data. They didn't actually have web spiders and automata to quantify sites. What technology did they use for their general web content search engine? Anything notable and revolutionary?
Looks to me like Yahoo! saw that it was losing to Bing!, so it simply threw in the towel on search. I have read that they have a top web mail service, so maybe that's how they are making their advertising revenue.
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I was wondering if Google still deserved it's role as the default search in my browser so I tried a few alternatives. The obvious alts of Yahoo, Ask, Cuil, and Clusty were all just about capable but didn't really give sound enough case for shifting from Google. And each one irked me in one way or another.
Quite liked Scour, but their pop up log-in prompts soon became annoying cos I clear my cookies and history at the end of each sesh.
Currently giving DuckDuckGo a whirl. Daft name, but it's pretty good. Not perfect by any means. But it's quick, and seems like a genuine attempt to refine the searching process. I like the cut of it's jib and am still using it after a week for straight searches, but there are just some things (maps, translations...) that Google does really well on top (not to mention Gmail, Reader, etc). So I find that I just keep coming back to the G.
"Yahoo! will use Microsoft's search technology "
Great news... bing, like its redecessor microscum search, couldn't find its own navel lint.
Basically all search engines are near useless and commercially driven, just some are worse than others.
Lets all watch Yahoo now plumb to even lower depths now that it has the Micr$haft lead (dead) weight around its neck.
So iof nobody is bothered why are people using both MS & Yahoo! in the first place? Just because something is not the leader it doesn't become irrelevant. By your reasoning there would be no point in anybody starting a new company and the IT world would porbably still be dominated by IBM.
I'm surprised not to see more name combinations being mooted here. Binghoo, Bungho, Yahbong, that sort of thing.
Big corporations are spendidly inept at catchy names - Zune and Bing are just the sort of duff names that a PR suit would think was cool, and none of his underlings would be brave enough to tell him it wasn't.