So where... I get my penis pills now?
Dutch telecoms regulators have fined a junk email spammer €250,000. Reinier Schenkhuizen was ordered to pay €250,000 by local regulator OPTA. Of this, €150,000 was for distributing junk emails and €100,000 for failing to create a means for recipients to unsubscribe to unwanted messages, according to local reports. OPTA alleges …
Point of order: if he's been convicted then isn't he now just a "spammer", rather than a "spam suspect?"
Reminds me of that old classic Chase HQ where you had to crash, smash and generally bugger the "suspect's" car (leaving one to question what would happen if they were a genuine criminal!)
Your fine payment is being held in a secure location, to retrieve this fine amount please send me your bank account details and sort code by making a small deposit to the following account... Your full fine amount will then be transferred directly into your account.
Has any Spammer ever actually paid any fine for spamming? .
I usually think of myself as a liberal minded sort of person. Example, I feel pity and compassion for someone as fucked up as Michael Jackson.
But sometimes I can't resist falling into a Marxist stance. Example, nationalizing banks is a good idea, preferably as bank executives look on from behind bars. A long stint at hard labor turning large rocks into gravel with a sledgehammer would also be appropriate.
And from there I devolve into a bloody-minded Bolshevist whose solution to social and economic problems (e.g. spam, bank fees, meth users, layabouts, yobs, and airfare ripoffs) is to line those responsible up against a wall and liquidate them.
Sometimes I don't understand myself very well.
...also isn't the general advice NOT to click on links in unsolicited email?! that way lies untold security vulns/madness etc. Maybe OPTA should get fined for being dangerously incompetent. Although it could help create the next botnet and so give them someone else to fine, so maybe it does make sense...
Pint because i'm NOT on holiday ...