@David W. & other "jakie was an evil meanie poo-poo head" idiots.
Do you REALLY think that getting into people's faces and invading their space is a good way to promote your goods/services? Do you have any clue how many people are using AdBlockPlus, FlashBlock & NoScript? Do you know WHY? To tell you the truth, I don't either. But I have my suspicions ...
Me, myself, personally, I'm sick and tired of being marketed at.
I've been on this dampish dirty rock for quite a few decades. I have a brain, and I know how to use it. I can feed myself, clothe myself, house myself, and purchase the variety of geegaws that make my !copious leisure time a pleasure WITHOUT some idiot spewing corporate bullshit in my face.
Advertising has become entirely too pervasive. I am trying to do what I can to let BigBidness know that there is unrest amongst hoi polloi[1] they are pushing their ads at. I invite you, and others capable of making an informed decision for yourselves, to help the cause.
I try to make telemarketers cry[2]. I lie heavily when asked to take part in telephone surveys. I lie on "club card" applications, or use a card I found in a parking lot somewhere[3]. I carry a programmable remote control to turn off televisions that push inane drivel like RachelFuckingRay demonstrating yet again how to dry out pork in the meat department of my local grocery store. I unplug the monitor pushing advertising in the checkout line. I have a 110 second "mute" button on the dash of the cars so I don't have to listen to commercials during baseball games. When I watch TV, it is 30 minutes after scheduled times so I can fast forward thru' commercials (thanks, MythTV). Etc.
If someone loses a job over this, whoop-dee-do. Frankly, I don't care. There are tens of millions of other uneducated, ineducable idiots out there without work. One more won't hurt in the great scheme of things. Maybe, just maybe, it'll convince some twentysomething dropout to go back to school and learn how to become a useful member of society.
When the revolution comes, marketers will be the first up against the wall. Or maybe second, after lawyers. Or maybe third, after politicians ... Not that I have an opinion or anything.
[1] Note: no "the" between amongst & hoi. Look it up.
[2] "Try getting a job as a prostitute. At least then you'll be paid to make people (think they) feel better, instead of getting paid to irritate people" is a good start. Use your imagination. As long as you don't swear, they aren't allowed to hang up on you[4].
[3] When forced to fill out forms, online & off, I was born on Feburary 29th, 1904. I am a one-legged black lesbian lumberjack who commutes from the bay area to the Pacific North West on rollerblades. And etc.
[4] I kept one poor sap on the phone for almost an hour driving from Solvang to Napa before hanging up with "You know, I have no idea what company you work for, nor what product you are selling. GREAT form of Marketing and use of your time, no?". I was bored, transporting 12 horses for my wife ...