back to article Apple bars Google's Voice from iPhone

Apple has barred the official Google Voice application from the iPhone App Store while dumping two third-party apps that tap into Google's invite-only service. Yesterday, the Google Voice-enabled app GV Mobile and VoiceCentral apps disappeared from the App Store, and today, word arrives that Google's own app has been summarily …


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  2. BerneAI


    the key being when the contract expires when AT&T will weigh the cost versus the perceived pain for users for changing carriers. more than likely they will then soften up their stance enough to cut their losses to what for them is an acceptable level. I suspect that Wave might change the playing field a bit, it looks slick enough to make even the iphonebois green however that will take some time. Note, I am an example that as badly as they, AT&T are "messing" with their customers these days, and it gets worse everyday, they aren't getting smaller. I have GV and as soon as my contract is up I am burning all ties to ATT, buying an Android and dropping off the grid...

  3. northern monkey


    ..this may be a stupid question but I don't see why Apple need to try and keep AT&T happy (for instance by banning google voice) - I would've thought it would be the other way around, the iphone must represent a big revenue stream for AT&T and I'm sure there are plenty of other US networks that would happily sell iphones (exclusively or not).

  4. kurucu


    So why can't we use it in the rest of the world, if it is just down to AT&T?

  5. Daniel 4

    @northern monkey

    Apple actually had to negotiate fairly hard originally over the flat rate data plan, and AT&T won a few concessions. As I recall,the two main concessions where that apps that competed directly with AT&T's voice service over the unlimited data connection and tethering would both be verboten. Until this contract is up, don't expect either of these to be available on an unlocked Iphone in the U.S.


  6. Mectron

    who need another proof?

    That Apple is the whorst company on the planet, way ahead of Microsoft.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    And I put it to you that your spelling is the 'whorst' in the world. Go away and get a basic education if you want your dumb assed views to be aired you complete bell end.

  8. Wrenchy

    Ok all of you

    Where exactly does it say AT&T was responsible for Apple removing the Google Voice App from the App Store????? This is all speculation. This is just another attempt from the all mighty, all controlling Apple Inc to stifle any truly functional app that could be used to communicate on means other than those they approve of.

    Thank God I use an Android phone. I don't have to install apps from one 'approved' location. Anything goes. I am however in Canada so I cannot use Google Voice at the present time. Grrrrr. But the comments I have read about Google Voice on the Android Market are quite positive.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    @AC @Mectron

    Hello AC Apple-lamist - pull yourself for 2 seconds away from your iPuke and look at the word "whorst" - it combines wh*re (=you) and worst. Now, do us all a favor and go kill yourself. Seriously, you micro-brained milliwit, die now and donate your liver to Jobs - best thing you can do for all involved.

  10. Me Meeson


    As usual, the rest of the world don't matter to Apple. STOP BEING SO AMERICENTRIC YOU KNOB SQUATTING PANTS-JAVELINS!

  11. Mr Ian

    @AC @Mectron

    On the contrary, his views have already been aired. So who's the bell end now?

  12. Big-nosed Pengie

    "Invite only"?

    How does one invite only? And what does one invite only to? How does only reply? Who the fsck IS only, for that matter?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  13. Pantelis

    Translation error

    The Google statement according to the article read:

    "We will continue to work to bring our services to iPhone users - for example, by taking advantage of advances in mobile browsers."

    The Translation: "We're not happy about it, but there's nothing we can do."

    I have to disagree with the translation, at least the second part. To me, saying that taking advantage of advances in mobile browsers to bring services to iPhone users sounds more like "We're not happy about our app being rejected from the Apple store so we are going to take advantage of the browser and bring the application through it rather than with a separate app and lets see you b******* try to block it then!"

  14. g e

    If I were Google...

    A little bit of code...

    if($useragent=='iphone') {

    $advert_source='Nokia, HTC, Android, SONY-Ericsson';

    } else {





  15. Cthonus

    It's US and them again

    So Apple, if AT&T object why not just pull the 'offending' apps from the *regional* store - after all there are plenty of apps only available from iTunes.US?

    Oh - I know why - it's because if YOU aren't allowed to play with them then you don't want anyone else to be able to either.

    Anyone for a game of Monopoly?

  16. Anonymous Coward

    @Mr Ian @AC @Mectron

    Personally, I think the original AC is still a bell end and we wouldn't have known it if his BS wasn't on the page. As for who is really the "whorst" company, well they were probably so bad that they folded seconds after they were created and we won't have heard of them. So the original posting was an obvious (and badly spelt) troll.

    "look at the word "whorst" - it combines wh*re (=you) and worst. Now, do us all a favor and go kill yourself. Seriously, you micro-brained milliwit, die now and donate your liver to Jobs - best thing you can do for all involved."

    It also combines the words "wh*re" and "stalag" which is what all mindless idiots will become and/or where they will go when the revolution arrives. Seriously, you micro-brained teenager, die now. Do not do anything else, do not pass go, do not collect £200, just die now.

  17. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: @Mr Ian @AC @Mectron

    Alright, group hug, boys, C'mon. Don't be shy.

    And er, don't wish death on each other here, 'kay? 'Kay.

    This is officially Be A Tiny Bit More Buddhist About Things Wednesday. I'm not at home to Mr Aggro.

  18. Chris 267
    Jobs Horns


    While I also despair at Apple's US-centricism at times, the point is moot in this case because Google Voice is at the moment only available across the pond.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    @Sarah Bee


    is that the best you can do?? Shame.... I thought El Reg had a particular penchant for acronyms.

  20. Anonymous Coward


    The last resort of the burned fanbois.

    Ahh don't yopu just love the smell of napalm in the morning...

  21. Bilgepipe


    "Where exactly does it say AT&T was responsible for Apple removing the Google Voice App from the App Store????? This is all speculation."

    You mean like this...?

    "This is just another attempt from the all mighty, all controlling Apple Inc to stifle any truly functional app that could be used to communicate on means other than those they approve of."


  22. Duncan Jeffery

    Re @Mr Ian @AC @Mectron # - again

    Of course, the diehard Apple fan club did not address the issue under discussion, but raher went for the jugular on an irrelevance.

    All rather sad really - so the iphone doesn't do everything - move on - get over it - grow up

  23. Big Bear
    Paris Hilton

    @Sarah Bee

    Where is the real Ms Moderatrix and what have you done with her? Her pleasing no nonsense approach to cracking the whip over all the willingly obedient boys here is not reflected with that Zen stuff you just spouted!!

    Someone else pleases the boys here too...

  24. Wrenchy


    Speculate this:

    Apple is so obsessed with control they have to resort to BS'ing the US copyright office in an attempt to get their way. Yet another reason to hate Apple.

  25. Peter 48
    Jobs Horns

    where are the EU regulators when you need them?

    Seriously, could Apple even try and be more fascist and anti competitive? It just amazes me what the apple loyalists will put up with. I am just waiting for the day that Mr Jobs demands your first born's life if you want the latest iwidget.

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