back to article's Jobs Search site needs some work

Those of you unaware of all that the government's Directgov website can do for you, with regard to improving your skills and finding a new job, are going to be staying that way, for the time being at least. According to the government, is designed to let you "search for jobs, training, career …


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  1. Anonymous Coward


    Is that a Safari screenshot? nuff said

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Open position?

    Perhaps they should kick this site off with an ad. for a web site manager! Mind you, it's par for the course: the Companies House website still has to go down from midnight to 7am every day - for what, exactly, I know not.

    Hey - look on the bright side: this wonderful all-singing all-dancing database of movements in and out of the UK will probably suffer the same fate. Terrorists are advised to arrive on the red-eye when the system's not looking!

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ... so?

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Absolutely dire

    I'm not surprised. The standard Job Centre Plus website is appalling. Not only is it nasty to use and navigate but it frequently times out at random intervals displaying some nonsense in Welsh by way of apology. Infuriating!

  5. Simon_E

    It's back up now

    JCP is quicker and easier - more... direct, you might say - to use, anyway...

  6. My New Handle
    Coat's Jobs Search site ..

    They have a website for this? AFAIK he was last seen in Cupertino.

    Mines the one with "All this gov touches turns to dust" writted large on the back

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nothing to see here

    What a supprise another cr@p bit of IT from NuLabour.

  8. Bilgepipe

    @AC 11:26

    "Is that a Safari screenshot? nuff said"

    Yawn. nuff said?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So it's make your own job?

    So it's not about seeking out a job, it's about making your own?

    That's about par for the course. The government's job system is very much the last resort these days, with so many companies going to employment agencies and the like (and, it must be said, paying them to worry about dealing with all the law against discrimination and against employing immigrants). The system can't even distinguish between an employer wanting to advertise in a locality and having jobs available in a locality.

    I wonder how on earth they can really know what is happening.

  10. AchimR

    Is it just me who thinks...

    ...that a jobsite like that in UK should only have English as language?

    If you don't speak English, why are you looking for a job in England then??

  11. James O'Shea Silver badge

    @ ac 11:26

    Actually, no, it's a Firefox screen shot. Please note the large left arrow, and the location and size of the reload and home buttons.

    It appears that poor old ac 11:26 doesn't use Firefox and definitely doesn't use Safari. And it's quite clear exactly who has failed. Big time. (Clue for the clueless: it's not the boyz'n'grrlz at Vulture Central who posted the screen shot...)

  12. James O'Shea Silver badge

    @ achimR

    Time to call in the clans on someone. Hint: England is NOT the UK. There's a reason why 'United' is in the bloody name of the bloody country, you bloody twit.

    Grenade 'cause that's the least you deserve.

  13. this

    double take

    whemever I see 'Jobsite' I always misread it as that rather wonderful Irish expression 'Gobshite'.

    The human mind is a wondrous thing.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    It's actually pretty tame having only one other language one, and it's not even that unusual that it's welsh, as Wales is part of the UK.

    Strangely enough, the benefits office in my town has everything written all over it in about 12 different languages, and i'm not even sure English is one of them!

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A better version

    A couple of people built a better version using screen-scraped data at RewiredState back in March:

  16. Jeff Rowse


    In addition to the other points raised by "named users" above, since when does the browser someone uses to view the site tell you anything about the site itself? And a website run by our caring, sharing Overlords should darn-well work with ANY browser, regardless of how popular it might be with people who think themselves better than anyone else.

    (I mean, you must think you're better than the rest of us, else why bother with the dig at Safari users? Or, rather, Firefox users?)

    But I do applaud the way the error message is shown in English and Welsh, but not (Scots) Gaelic - Devolve that, ya sweaty sock munchers! "United" Kingdom indeed - only when the buggers get free handouts from Westminster...

  17. Anonymous Coward

    Who cares!

    Have you seen the number of "meets minimum wage" IT jobs advertised on the site. I used to pay more in tax per hour (until the job got outsourced) than they pay to do the job. No surprise .gov IT is so shit. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I thought ukgov jobs were here

  19. Anonymous Coward

    Job Centre

    The job centre are just as bloody useless, sign on for 6 months and you're supposed to get this 'New Deal for Jeremy Kyle fans' crap, but the staff couldn't give a monkeys. If you ask for training (such as a computer programming course or MCSE, CCNA etc) they tell you there isn't any funding for it, the best they offer is a bloody ECDL course!

    Bunch of useless dumbasses the whole lot of em.

    Mine's the one with the Stage 3 signing book in the pocket and the daytime TV guide in the other.

  20. Quirkafleeg

    Re: @ ac 11:26

    “Actually, no, it's a Firefox screen shot. Please note the large left arrow, and the location and size of the reload and home buttons.”

    Hmm? Can't be. Iceweasel uses GTK-style icons…

  21. asiaseen

    On the question of languages

    it amused me to see that the SIS/MI6 website is available in Arabic, Russian and Chinese. Targeted marketing?

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