@AC and Colin12
Completely agree with both of you.
First, companies continue to engage in such behaviour - fraud, abusing monopolies and price fixing - because its still economically sensible to do so. Their gain by behaving illegally is worth more than any damaging PR and any fine. In future, accountants should assess the total gain that the corporation made from its actions, and then fine them double that. Hit them where it hurts, and the shareholders will vote the entire board out. Oh, and whoever made the decision to do that (and some definitely did, it didnt just "happen") needs a jail sentence and a 10 year ban on working in any corporate position with decision making authority.
Yeah, I dont know why Yanks (and some others to be fair) complain about the EU - the US DOJ found Microsoft guilty in the past and its currently investigating Intel. And they also hit those LCD manufacturers who were price fixing. And Intel has been found guilty in both Korea and Japan. Why then, as soon as the EU stands up for its customers, they are automatically left wing commies who cant run their... economic area?
I'm happy that the EU are doing this, obviously if Intel really had a problem with it they would pull out of the EU entirely, but at the moment it seems they admit what they did but deny that it was illegal. Most reasonable people (including, importantly, The Law) disagree.