Someone has to say it
Playmobil please.
Scotland's Daily Record is running an interesting piece on the apparent remains of a crashed WWII German bomber which ended its days over Greenock in 1941, and which has now surfaced on Google Earth. The Junkers 88 was allegedly downed by anti-aircraft fire during the "Greenock Blitz" in May of that year, a two-night assault …
.... and coming to an InterNetional News Feed and AI Seed near you.
Slow news day, Lester, or are you being stonewalled investigating something stupendous, which is rampant in the wild and spreading like a pandemic/virulent contagion? :-)
Slightly off-topic (but not much) I was stunned to see a Google StreetViewSpyCar on my residential estate today.
I am not going to publish my address, but if you do a search on any of the main mapping sites using "Severn Road, Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire" you will see where I spotted the mobile snapper.
Any ideas what is so interesting about this street?
If I was an ElReg hack I'd offer a prize for the best answer/suggestion.
dont see much of anything
but on the offchance its true.... they do state its a reservoir
can i be the one to tell the townsfolk "hey, youve been drinking dead people soup for the last 60 years"
they probably wouldnt mind though - wickerman territory and all that
paris - shes loves to gargle men in unform
... but if I find the intact skull of a dead Nazi in leather bomber gear staring back at me, or even a planeful of dead Nazis, you Reg readers must club together for my therapy and valium.
I've seen the film "Shockwaves", I know how this will end. Nazi zombies everywhere!
Looks as though MS (Bing) have birds-eye footage, which could be what they're talking about.
Could this be the outline of a Junkers?
WTF because it could be anything really
"Air crash expert Gordon Lyons told the Record: "Crash spotters have walked by the reservoir thousands of times and never once seen a thing. However, the lake is quite deep"
Expert in stating the obvious? "People can't see to the bottom of really deep bodies of water. Bit annoying really. Wouldn't need all those expensive bathyscopes if we could, put all those marine biologists and documentary program people out of business I guess."
If you look at the lake in the article on Google Earth, you can use the time feature to look at old imagery. On 11 Jun 06 the reservoir is pretty dried up, and its fair to assume shallow. So http://local.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&ll=55.934024,-4.759325&spn=0.000816,0.002068&t=h&z=19 is not the Junkers. Also, the length of the blur in that image is approx 30m, and a Ju-88 is 15m long!
If anywhere, I think it's in the small lake to the East mentioned above. Or, unbelievably, the Daily Record is publishing factually incorrect stories.
The Daily Record feel compelled to write a few hundred words on the subject, but don't include a link or even lat/long? Does anyone in Anderston want to pop round and explain to them how the web works?
Or maybe just bash their narrow-minded gangster/old firm/shortbread tin heads off their desks?
Have a look at this amazing floating sucken shop just off the coast. Scary place stay away.
Actually, the equivalent of The Sun is The Scottish Sun, but yeah, you're absolutely right. Also known as the Daily Rangers, or of course the Daily Retard, along with the the most vile publication ever, The Sunday Mail.
I can't really see it as a hoax, I mean why bother, we know the place was bombed by those planes so why on earth would anyone try that? Hmm, maybe a local B&B :o)
To be honest I was the original finder. It isn't the big sqaure dam, its to small one to the right. Its true there have been rumours for years and to the people who dont get the measurements your doing your calculations wrong. It may not be anything, but's its a bit mad anyway. I've since spoken direct to the expert qouated in several of the papers and whereas they've said he said it was an amazing discovery, I get the impression he thinks its some other feature rather than a plane. O well:(
@AC 14:16
No, the most vile publication is The Sun, closely followed by the News Of The World, but the Record runs them close with completely made up anti-SNP propoganda and stories about the Old Firm joining the Atlantic Fish Steak League every other week.
BTW, the Record isn't based in Anderston any more, it's now at Atlantic Quay, facing the Kingston bridge.
Regarding the plane, I dived in last night, and found a propellor!! All I need is £2 million and I will raise the wreck and make it into a floating disco. Please donate to my paypal account. Cheers!
Definitly the Daily Mail is the most vile daily publication in the UK.
More complaints received by PPC than virtually all other daily papers put together - They seem to have no problem changing/making up facts to suit their opinion.
And, bizarrely, used as a yardstick as to the mood of the UK electorate by politicians!
Tell the families of the Heysel 96 that, and Robert Murat too. Oh and the McCanns. Oh and Alfie Patten's family too.
The Sun is scum from top to bottom.
Anyway, back to main topic - this "bomber". Do we have any Scottish amateur/pro divers on here willing to go down and take a look? Come on, there must be a Glasgow diving club willing to travel the small distance and go find out once and for all!
They found a Wellington bomber in Loch Ness not so long ago, so it's not unfeasible...
Oh aye, crap story: I used to live near Townhill Loch in Scotland. When the loch was being dredged in 1994/95 in preparation for the site becoming a waterskiing centre, the lackeys pulled all sorts out of it - mini metros, vauxhalls, sheep bones, and even - believe it or not, what appeared to be a van... I would not be surprised if they found bombers in there, the ark of the covenant and a spaceship carrying "The Thing" too