Are they serious?
They want their own chavvy cattle to watch out for malware on *their own website* and then kindly tip them off about it?
How amateur is that? If they can't safely deliver ads or find another source with more integrity then they should stop using them and make their own bullet proof ad system. Can you imagine Sony asking its customers to keep an eye on their batteries and see if they can figure out why they're exploding, and if so write in and let them know so they can fix it? No, there'd be a product recall, which for Digital Spy means pulling all ads until the problem *is* fixed.
It shows just what they think of their own visitors, who aren't just flooded with adverts, but on a bad day malware too! Not that the average Digital Spy reader could give two hoots about viruses or malware, just as long as they can load the Big brother forums and post "OMG!!!!" every now and again. It's years since those forums were actually useful to anyone who didn't just want to argue like an idiot about the TV licence, waffle about Jade, Jordan and Robbie Williams as if they know them, or squander hours reading through threads along the lines of "OMG!! My cat had sex with a dog and now I'm worried it's pregnant! - Please help!!"