@Auto Login Blues??
"Erm... Windows requires a password to login by default, AC."
Nope. I call bullshit on this one. Just did several XP Home re-installs recently (to solve bitrot issues and clean up problems left by a virus that we just can't seem to get rid of) and every last one of them defaulted to auto log-in.
I suspect that passwording the account will change that behavior, but I also note that the default install doesn't ask you to set one.
Has this changed with Vista or Windows 7? Is it true for all versions of XP? No clue. And I know it wasn't true for many older versions of Windows. But the (currently) most popular -- no, that's a guess, I don't have statistics to back it up -- version of Windows doesn't install requiring a login by default.
@alien anthropologist:
"We. Just. Don't. Care."
Then STFU and go away. Obviously you care enough to read the article and waste time commenting. Liar or hypocrite? You choose.
@security-by-obscurity proponents:
"Just what all the malware writers need, a nicely put together guide on breaking into an operating system."
Yeah, much better to hide the information and just hope and pray nobody else is clever enough to figure it out who is interested in using the information for anti-social purposes. Bzzzzt! Wrong answer. The emperor has no clothes.
Hey, know what? No OS is perfect. Windows has a pathetic track record and several recent articles have been trumpeting some major exploit in Linux. Not that we haven't seen Linux issues before.
Best way to deal with it is get the info out to the white hats and get it fixed pronto.
Security by obscurity. Windows has been trying that for decades. How often has Microsoft claimed that they're secure because nobody has the source code? See how well that's worked.