Do they have IT jobs in Sweden?
Fixed the IT angle for you.
Swedish cops are on the look-out for a quintet of tattooed girls who dragged a 50-year-old man off his bicycle, pulled down his trousers and smalls and "sexually molested" the poor bloke. The incident happened on 8 July in Örebro, central Sweden, the Aftonbladet newspaper reports. One of the gang - described as 5' 7" tall and …
Get rid of that! Stop publishing the comments of people complaining about the IT angle either, I'd rather see a non IT article rather than no article at all, some of them I don't have any interest in reading.. so I don't, and I don't comment that I didn't want to read it either.
Wouldn't want to be on the end of the stink-eye from the male townsfolk for fingering the suspects for that incident!
>fingering the suspects
Look, we all know, OK? Anyone who simply cannot resist is getting booted off the internet forever. Alternatively I may decide to make an example of you by letting through your sniggerings of screaming obviousness and exhorting all others to pie you. And not in the good way.
This may just be the incentive I needed to go and oil the jolly old velocipede this weekend and take it out. I'm not in Sweden, but there's always the danger of copycat attacks to take into consideration.
The tweed one with the leather elbow patches and the grey wig and bicycle clips in the pockets please.
PS: Apart from the bicycle, were any of the other participants equipped with a nice rack?
If a lady was assaulted in a similar manner there would be a major investigation and it would be treated very seriously but as it's a man being assaulted by multiple women that seems less serious?
That said, I don't think I'd report it either, and probably make sure I use the same route on my bike every day....
No! Don't! Stop!
No Don't! Stop!
I have commuted by bike to/from work twice this week and I would do it much more often if I was at risk of this. I might even take the long way home.
(Sort of reminds me of a joke I think I saw on El Reg earlier this week: Two nuns on a bicycle: "I don't come this way much.")
Let's see - they're going to dress up a copper as a cyclist - the girls will be surprised when they see the policeman's helmet, and even more surprised by the police chopper circling around. Of course, calling the station for advice and back up will be met with the comment "Roger and out", and of course everyone will want to examine the entire body of evidence.
Alas, I've been a keen cyclist for over a decade, with many thousands of molestation free miles under my belt
Mines the one with "Banned" on the back...
Although I suppose I wouldn't mind if a number of young very attractive girls came up to me and made it clear that they would very much get to know me better, especially if it was one of those hypothetical situations where no one ends up pregnant, or with a funny-sounding disease, or in the bushes uncounceous less wallet,I don't think I or anyone else on this site would like very much to be pushed off their bike, pinned to the ground and groped by a number of females, especially if they are kind of scary and you don't find them all that attractive.
'Rape' fantasies are common with both men and women, but these are _fantasies_, more based around having sex with a handsome/beautiful stranger who 'makes' you do something you wanted to anyway, like the girl that you fancied from the office taking your trousers down and matter into her own hands at the christmas party. If the somehwat older and not so very attractive canteen lady (who you find scary) drags you into an empty office after you passed out from drinking too much, and removes your underwear and closes the door... you probably would mind. Possibly mutilated genitalia and pictures of your wedding tackle doing the office rounds by email withstanding.
Seeing as the poor chap reported this to the police the incident probably fell into the later category.
If you really wish to be molested sexually, then I believe that there are quite a few heavy female-only gangs in most of the major uk cities (well, I know of some in Glasgow and London anyway), who would probably grant you your wish without you shelling out for a ticket to Sweden. If you enjoy big women with lots of experience (and the scars to prove it) all clad in lovely polyester then you might just be in for a treat ;o)
You can even give the old 'reg an exclusive afterwards :o)
The original artice is here (in Swedish):
I can see that a lot of people here are wishing they were in Sweden being 'harrassed' by young swedish beautiful girls.
Let me tell you this, in Sweden and in Scandinavian countries in general, women are free in their thoughts, but that includes themselves, so they are actually much more demanding on the man than in other countries.
Without knowing in detail, as the original article doesn't say, I don't think the girls were 'nice' to the guy in _any_way_, but they were really _harrassing_ him!
I don't want you do be discouraged to meet and interact with Scandinavian girls, though I am myself ;-) but don't you ever think it is a walk in the park! You won't find any women that are more self aware and independent than a girl from Denmark, Norway and Sweden!
You have been warned!!!
Reg, please be a dear and post a followup with the location when known. Perhaps a link to Google Maps so we can do a "Directions to this location"...
And I have to say I'm in the same situation as some of the other posters - having a bit of difficulty understanding the situational details of how this could happen. Certainly a Playmobil re-enactment would clear things up. Oh, hey, and it's Friday tomorrow, how about that?...
Paris, because we don't need a followup on her location; she's always at the center of the Universe.
You're telling me that this doesn't happen to everyone else on their bike rides? After the 5th or 6th time I just sort of accepted it as the norm...
If this was the US or UK, they'd find the girls, one or more would be under 18, and the cyclist would go on the kiddyfiddler list for life.
After the first few waves of failed offshore projects, there is more acceptance that the best/economical global location for development and support is often closer to home than India. I know of at least one project that was pulled from India and moved to Sweden to save on overall cost (Quality, telecoms, power, travel, time), and even Indian outsource companies are setting up shop in places like Ireland.
In an ever more complex global model, Executives need to consider the cultural consideration to success. Even before this story, IT folk would be happier to travel to Sweden to make sure a global project succeeds.
So start “banging” the drum for IT in Sweden.. and lets see some t-shirts with “my project went to Sweden and all I got…”
.. I imagine any guy this happened to would be just as terrified as a girl in the same situation. It wasn't after they had gone that he knew they weren't going to end with a murder or at least take a souvenir (and I'm not talking about an ear here), it has happened that way before! I recall a local case here where a group of women sexually assaulted a guy by nail-gunning his knob to his belly* - more than one nail too. OUCH!
*Yes, I know some guys do this sort of thing for kicks (I do have an internet connection after-all), but this guy was definitely not consenting.
<<I don't want you do be discouraged to meet and interact with Scandinavian girls, though I am myself ;-) >>
Thought to self: Surely Peter is a man's name...
@ GrahamT. Maybe they're cyclepaths because their trickcyclist diagnosed them as such.
Same in Finland. The ladies take the initiative as much as the men. Glad there's few cctv cameras here - from what I've seen this summer walking through the park.....Ooh, missus!
...and the police were right to treat this as a serious assault and investigate accordingly.
I was sexually assualted in a similar manner when I was 14 years old by two girls right out in the schoolyard. What scarred me from that experience was not merely the sexual assault itself, but the fact that I WAS PUNISHED with a week's detention for swearing at the girls while trying to get them off me - that and the fact that the two girls got away scot-free. And two weeks after this, the Year 9 sex-education class called in a feminist "professor"; we were assembled in the school gym, boys on the left, girls on the right. This feminist made the girls out to be innocent little victims and told them that if a boy said this to them or did that to them, they could go and talk to this women's counsellor or that women's-only support group, while she told the boys that we were not allowed to say this or do that to the girls, and gleefully described the punishments that would be inflicted on us if we did. Coming right after the assault, that pretty well did it for me.
(Sarah Bee, if you want to know why my comments on these subjects are always so virulently opposed to feminism, now you know.)
So you see I'm in a position to understand what this guy felt and why he went to the police. But the worst perpetrators of the double standard under discussion here aren't the feminists, its all the obviously sex-deprived and desperate commentards in here wanting it to happen to them. This perpetuates the myth that men are only interested in sex and will take it any way they can, and it undermines the position of those of us who actually have brains that do more than react to our gonads. If you guys are really that desperate, go and pay a hooker, but don't sell our (or your) rights and dignity down the river just so you can get laid!
... I can't imagine that "Fucking? Why certainly" would be anyone's first thought whilst collecting road rash (or worse, as pavement is fairly unforgiving), getting stripped and groped, and wondering if her/his time and dignity is all the perps will take. Almost like a day at airport security, except the bike and pavement parts.
...and wondering why it's a sniggering article here, perhaps you could ask the male journalist and the first dozen or so presumably male commenters why they didn't perceive it that way.
Because if you're trying to suggest because everyone would be up in arms if it was a woman being assaulted, that's right. We (should) know it's disgusting when women get assaulted - raising awareness of the effects of sexual assault is one of feminism's achievements. But don't blame feminism for the idiocy of certain men (and some women, maybe) who think that sexual assault is a joking matter, no matter what the gender of the person concerned.
I agree with you, brother, except on one part...
"If you guys are really that desperate, go and pay a hooker, but don't sell our (or your) rights and dignity down the river just so you can get laid!"
Men sell out all the time; isn't that what marriage is all about ??!
Bonus points: Is the "about" pertaining to hooking, or selling rights, dignity, et. al. down the river to get laid??!