Who cares?
Within a few months twitter will shut down and all the disks will be for sale on eBay.
An unidentified hacker has exposed confidential corporate and personal information belonging to microblogging site Twitter and its employees after breaching electronic accounts belonging to several people close to the company. The episode is the latest reminder that the convenience of cloud-based services that store …
Security is tough.
Best bet: Use a password manager with encrypted database, ideally on a mobile device you use often.
Many of these password managers sync with desktops, which comes in handy.
You can cut down on memorizing too many (any) random passwords by remembering just one -- the password to your password manager.
Consider the hassle of doing this to be an investment.
It won't stop hacking, but it will remove some of the lowest hanging fruit for would-be attackers and pranksters.
You know what, in my (not so distant) years, computer safety was about not trusting 3rd pary software too much and making sure that no dubious "alien" had access to your files (and, most importantly, about DNUTO*). Now it looks more like "let a self-dignified script-kiddie manage both your software and hardware and hope for the best". Right, what's the point in hiring a seasonned IT professional to develop a secure-by-design networked app (at 30 grands a year in salary, plus twice that for hardware) when you can use a ready-made "cloud" app developped by a guy -so green he needs pruning- for 10 quids per user per year? Stories like this one provide the beginning of an answer, methink. Meanwhile, my lusers keep wondering why they can't access -and modify- their data on "my" ftp server through an external unencrypted connexion.
Bah. Time. for a pint.
*Do Not Upset The Operator
Whoa! By the end of 2011 my impossibly cool web 2.0 idea will be on-line. By the end of 2013 I expect it to have 68 trillion users and be worth more than Oracle, Microsoft and a bunch of oil sultans together. Wanna buy a piece of it now for only a million dollars?
"Twitter's Stone compared the breach to having one's underwear drawer publicly rifled through: "Embarrassing, but no one's really going to be surprised about what's in there."
Doesn't that depend on what kind of underwear is in there? I'd have no embarrassment at all if anyone saw the contents of my underwear drawer.
I've just received a marketing mailing from Google (with a Comic Sans header, by the way - brand fail) trying to convince me that I could save £31,000 a year by switching from Exchange to Google Apps.
Even if that figure wasn't vastly inflated, I'd still rather spend the money and not have our data floating around in the cloud... I know my users and their password habits.
Isn't there anyone in this Web 2.0 business called Philip Smith*, Jonathon Williams* or something else of a more prosaic nature?
More importantly, if I change my name to something like "Jaks Thumper" are a load of Venture Capitalists going to queue up to give me money in exchange for bullshit?
*If you are actually called Philip Smith or Jonathon Williams, I don't mean to imply that you're boring or anything**, these are just random examples. Sorry.
**Even if you are.