Federal Europe Dangers
I notice that as the EU wants to get into law enforcement, anti-terror coordination etc,. I notice that their method is to set the EU law at the extreme, maximize the penalties, minimize the protections. By being at the extreme they rise above the local laws and become the defacto law.
Assholes who cannot get their hateful laws past their own Parliaments (JS, WS etc.) do it through the EU instead. I notice that the EU is happy to go along with this, because it expands their role. UK and Biometric passports, UK and it's demands for data retention, etc. WS and his mass internet surveillance.
Look at the US to see the consequences for this, the Federal laws are stronger than the State laws, and the end result is a very large prison population and a broken society.
Core countries vote against the EU constitutions, UKIP rises and even very pro-EU people like me, want the EU to go f*ck off. I want the EU that brought us Schengen and the Euro and strengthened our rights, not this lot and their creepy 'balancing my rights'. i.e. making an excuse to take some rights away.