"Our big cat definitely swears loudly when you tread on his feet."
With all due respect, your fat moggy is by no stretch a "big cat".
"And the whole point of the huge amounts of training that martial artists go through is so that they can do things DESPITE generations of evolution. What they do is logical, sure, but it ain't what the vast majority of the animal kingdom (including us) do when we are in pain."
If you say so. Believe what you like. Personally, looking past the pain to figure out what to do next makes more sense that bitching about something that already happened. I don't LIKE pain, mind, but allowing pain to keep me from doing what needs to be done when I'm hurt isn't an option. Instead of turning my mind off, I use it to focus. As I said, it's a survival thing.
Dealing with pain can also be a "living life to its fullest" thing ... Have you ever actually tasted what a habañero tastes like? They taste of tropical fruit salad ... mango, banana, papaya, starfruit, citrus and pineapple (sometimes) ... Lovely stuff, if you can get past the heat.
No, I'm not into BDSM ... but I understand why some people are. More power to 'em :-)
"So I don't think there is any evidence that the scientists are, as you so inelegantly call them, fuckwits; and. with respect, I think the only person talking bollocks is you."
Whatever. From my point of view, the experiment was badly designed & inelegant, yielding results that will not stand up to peer review. YMMV.