How long before someone makes shoes out of this stuff?
One day your clothes could take photographs, according to MIT scientists who have made a fabric that can capture images of a smiley face. A team at MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering has developed an optical-fibre mesh that can detect an image projected onto it. “This is the first time that anyone has …
so it work on roughly the same principle as an insect eye, the fly being the typical example.
I remember a great many innacurate recreations of how the fly sees. That is, the typical camera trick of producing many hexagonal duplicates of the same image, when in actual fact each hexagonal element would have actually been an individual pixel of the same image.
I wouldn't be suprised if DARPA showed an interest in this. The potential for highly discrete cameras with built in redundancy is certainly appealing in a military and espionage content.
Of course, the electronics required to make sense of the image would be the hardest factor to disguise, both in physical dimensions, and transmissions.
Aww, where's my black helicopter? Spose the grenage will have to do
OK so you can make a patch of this material. But most fabrics are made of *continuous* fibres. So unless you make the fibre and *cut* each fibre to get its ends free to act as the sensor it will need to bend the fibre at each corner enough to allow light to enter.
It's the start of a neat idea.