I think most people are missing the overall point
Time and time again I keep seeing the same knee-jerk reactions in the comments to any negative comments about apple.
It's no different to the climate debate. Everytime there is an article bringing into question the validity of Steve Jobs' sainthood, these pages get flooded with trolls claiming "Oh, you're so biased".
Actually, it's quite the opposite. Just as with the climate debate, the apple/MS/linux debate is mired in urban myths, and based on "facts" long since disproven or invalidated by time, yet still held as gospel by the faithful.
This is a problem, as any rational debate then appears on the surface to be weighted in favour of the faithfuls argument.
This causes a newtonian reaction, forcing the rational to pull harder in their direction to balance the argument, sometimes even leading them to put forward extremist points of view to counter those of the already extreme.
I often jokingly express a draconian hatred of all things apple, simply to counter the sappy evangalism I encounter. In truth, I don't mind most of apples kit, and I'm sure that for some home users it's absolutely ideal, but the stuff has no place on my network.
Apple are venturing ever deeper into monopolistic territory, whereas Microsoft are heading in the opposite direction.
MS aren't the back-stabbing 1981 globomegacorp omnipotent being they once were. They're a mature and well established software company, and the EUs antitrust attitutdes towards browser bundling are laughably out of date.
In the meantime, Apples tying of their OS to hardware that they've assembled gets overlooked. It's not even their hardware. The only three differences between an apple computer and any other PC are the SLIGHTLY modified bios, the apple logo on the case, and the vastly over inflated price tag.
So, if you want OSX, you have to pay way over the odds for mediocre hardware that's available everywhere else for a fraction of the price? Sorry, but do not pass go, do not collect £200!
If I was explaining this to a rational person with an open mind, a civilised debate would ensue. If I have to deal with a fanboi then, as I've had to with some of our users, a bigger stick needs to be deployed.
We don't really believe Jobs is Satan, but until the fanbois stop sacrificing chickens to their Ipods we will have to keep hammering the point home harder until rationality prevails.