back to article Yahoo!'s web-wide query language learns to write

Yahoo!'s SQL-like web query language just learned to write. Wednesday, the web giant added a trio of previously absent SQL verbs to its nine-month-old Yahoo! Query Language (YQL), an umbrella API that lets app developers query, filter, and join data across disparate web services offered up by Yahoo! and the web at large. With …


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  1. spodzone


    Why do we need *another* language to query the web as database? We have SPARQL for that already:


  2. Ed Blackshaw Silver badge


    Another web 0.2 based language that nobody will use because it will never reach critical market penetration. Somebody's certainly justifying their salary there.

  3. Snert Lee

    What's in a name?

    Well sparql does sound pretty, What's yql? yukkle or ickle? It should probably be Y! QL, though that does beg the question: Y?! Y!? Y?!?

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