elecs w/ gas backup
Electric is the future, but not full electric... and certainly not battery swapping! Like I'm going to let someone take my brand new LiPo or LiTit battery packs, costing upwards of $8,000 out of my car and replace them with possibly mishandled, used, Walmart knock offs or remanufactured batteries that could be years old? Not to mention the sheer logistics nightmare of trying to move 400lbs of batteries out of a car, store them, rotate them ,charge them, and to ship them back and forth between multiple sides of the road and from town to town as driving habbits cause packs to migrate all over hell and back... And who's going to buy all these $8,000 packs to have on hand to swap? They barely pay themselves back over 8-10 years as it is, and you want me, a gas station owner, to invest in robots to swap en, systems to charge em, computers to monitor em, pay shipping and transport costs, and wait 3-5 years before I can recoup that cost? and what about the guy with the shitty batter with dozens of bad cells who swaps out for a younger stronger battery at my expense? HELL no, no station would ever voluntarily take on that cost, not to mention we have a hard enough time just making enough batteries to go in the cars rolling off lines, and you proppose possbily doubling that? ...and where is your corner gas station, or freeway rest stop going to store enough batteru packs to refil 500 cards a day? and enough staff to lug around those huge heavy packs and stock them?
LiTit systems can fast charge to 80+% in under 10 miunutes (some have done it in under 5). That's about as long as it takes me to refil at the pump today. No, I can't get high amp 4 phase power in my house (2-4 hour charging is fine there anyway), but at stations connected to the commercial power grid, and for a few pennies markup over my regular home power bill (provided it works out to be cheaper than gasoline per mile driven), then I'm perfectly happy. We don;t NEED battery swapping because it would TAKE LONGER than recharging where there's ample power...
Even still, I'll require a gas backup (eventually, hopefully, a small recyclic turbine, not an ICE.) The engines in elecs with backups are specially tuned to operate as generators. There's no complicated dual transmissions, orbital gears, or other complex mechanisms to allow the engine to also drive the wheels, it only needs to come on when the juice is low and operate at no other speed than the ideal efficiency rating to operate the recharger. Max fuel economy can be acheived. High powered capacitors handle accelerating force, and also allow high speed back charge when braking.
Gas engines waste enrger when idling, and when running at odd performance ratios. Running them at a dedicated speed only long enough to recharge makes sense. The Volt uses a similar system.
Using a gas engine to recharge batteries, i can drive where I can't otherwise find a charger. I can still top off at home or at a station where electricity is cheaper than gas, but I can also get a 400+ mile range out of an existing electric car design without adding hundreds of extra ounds in massive expensive battery packs. I need enough electricity to go about 100 miles, that's it.
Full electrics are a dream for small commuter cars with short drives and preditable use, but for a family car or the average non-city folk, no, not anytime in the near future. Not until every stop on every freeway has a high speed charging station, and every small town and city corner has one too.