I have IE8 installed on some of my WinBoxes. Around here, it's used only if whoever is using that box absolutely positively has to go to a site which uses ActiveX, usually Microsoft's own sites. For all other sites we use FireFox or Safari, except for the one guy who uses Chrome and the other who uses Opera. (Well, the relative small group which insists on web-surfing using their phones use Opera; for long, complex, reasons we're stuck with Windows Mobile, and one reason why most of our users refuse to surf from their phones is that no-one could pay them enough to use IE on a phone.)
If we must go on a site which uses ActiveX, we take precautions about what that site really is downloading and we bail as fast as we can... and shut down IE immediately when we bail. And the number of sites we use which have ActiveX is falling; we scream at the webmasters in question about their lack of support for non-IE browsers, and if they don't change quickly we find what we need elsewhere. (Except for Microsoft, of course. We're stuck with them... right up until I can persuade the powers-that-be to scrap every single Windows install around here and replace 'em all with OS X and Ubuntu. Soon enough it'll be bye-bye, Mickeysoft. Bye-bye, ActiveX. Bye-bye, Silverlight. Bye-bye, never to be sufficiently cursed Exchange Server.)