No way...
...is that FoTW. It was well written, has NO CAPS ON ALL WORDS and is factually correct....
Our suggestion that the newly-legit Pirate Bay could follow Vuze by offering adult content has triggered great national sensitivities. Take it away, pseudonymous reader: From: techie dude Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:18 AM Subject: You people have no common sense, ethics and moral standing whatsoever, in my personal opinion …
Can I be the first to welcome our swedish muslim non-porn fire-breathing overlords? Oh, and its a pity that techidude doesn't know how to use google, or he would have found that he spelt "Teresa Orlowski" wrong.
Paris, because she may know more about Swedish movie making than all of us.
failed to use the proper amount of caps, exclamation marks and swearing for a true FOTW.
"absolute lack of news value and displays the English media as an utterly poor performer in regards to research and proper ethical command"
Sounds like the British press to me, El Reg is always much better.
And here me being English i thought that sweden only exported cuckoo clocks, didn't realise it also had blokes that like to tell the world that there country is not full of fit, blonde, women.
Techiedude, sounds like a name my dad would make up to have a moan on the interweb, Dad is that you? Did you find your walking stick to wave at the yoof on your lawn?
I'm with the 'this isn't a FoTW' camp.
I'm disappointed that they have been so thin on the ground of late; either you're not upsetting people enough anymore or you're not letting us see the correspondance you receive.
I'm off to spEakYou'rebRanes to take in some proper ranting
Unfortunately Techie Dude has blown my long held image of Sweden as full of fit, gorgeous women so that's my holiday there canceled then... back to the Nordic Bar for me!
PS. Many thanks for the heads up on other sources of smut outside of El Reg - I'll be errrr "buying a present" from those sites later! Now where did I leave the privacy setting...?
Is that this site is the main Swedish news outlet in the UK. Never before have the British public been so well informed about the rich variety of Konungariket Sverige - and its seismic cows, faecal lagoons and pineapple mashing.
Meanwhile, in Sweden: 'Swedish docs cleared over misplaced colon' (http://www.thelocal.se/20392/20090701/)
For someone who was upset about being labeled as a producer of porn, he had no problem labeling all Muslims as non-blonde and non-blue-eyed. The world being what it is, I highly doubt there isn't at least one. I can only wonder how his fellow Muslim Swedes feel about being mentioned in a letter about pornography.
Having just returned from Stockholm, I can unequivocally confirm that Sweden is indeed full of fit blonde women, and that they are all "up for it" too. And we all know it's a small step from that to pr0n, right?
So it must be true.
As an aside, Paris is blonde and was "formed" in America so must also be Swedish!
Let's look at the el Reg FoTW criteria one at a time:
1. Leave your reason at the door
FAIL (he used some reasoning)
2. Don't make it too long
FAIL (it's too long)
3. ...don't read anymore [sic] than the first paragraph
FAIL (seems like he read the whole thing, possibly carefully or even twice)
4. Tie in your hatreds/prejudices
OK (he's got a problem with porn, and probably Muslims, and something Swedish)
5. For god's sake, don't start using correct grammar
OK (he starts off well, but deteriorates at the end)
6. Be deeply and personally abusive to the person you're writing to
OK (assuming Mr. Orlowski's mother doesn't actually run the porn company)
7. don't use too many swear words.
OK (I didn't catch anym, but I skimmed some of it)
8. Do not reread your flame.
OK (I'm guessing here, based on the grammar deterioration he didn't proof-read too much)
9. Celebrate a successful flame by killing something
OK (no idea really, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt)
I agree with AC that the almost complete lack of ALL CAPS lends a too proper and seriously uninflamed air to the email. However, I am convinced that, were el Reg to recieve a better selection of FoTW candidates, we (the reader community) would benefit from their publication more often. As it is, I think the amateurish and constrained feel of this (surely less than ideal) FoTW is due to a lack of more suitable material to work from.
Whether this lack is due to a sudden politeness fad, el Reg not publishing provocative enough articles, concentration of comments on Ms. Hilton or the new icons, a sudden inexplicable pandemia of sanity, or just plain reader apathy, is beyond my ability to analyze. But we are ALL to blame for not trying hard enough - a real FoTW is a work of art, and those just don't come about by chance...
Yet it was articulate, accurate, well-spelled and gramatically correct, all in what it appears is Technodude's second (or third?) language.
(Shame about the missing apostrophe, but I'll put that down to a transcription error.)
Why can't all Brits write as well as that?
Just a couple of things to add; I've been to Sweden and there are some stunning blonde women there - but not as many as in Denmark; secondly the other Scandinavian nations laugh at Swedes because of their lack of a GSOH - much like we like to think of the Germans.
This was demonstrated to me in a meeting in Stockholm where a single (non-British) guy around a large table shared jokes with us Brits while the rest were completely deadpan. After the meeting I discovered he was a sole Norwegian working with a large group of Swedes.
Although some of Sweden's top exports of the moment do seem to be either blonde or porn-related e.g Petra Eos Marklund AKA September , a blonde Swedish dance performer or Jonas Erik Altberg AKA Basshunter, also a Swede in the dance music biz. He's not blonde but he often has Aylar Lie in his videos, an Iranian-born former porn star. She is Norwegian rather Swedish - but it's all the same over there isn't it?
I would like register a complaint. Since when has producing smut disgraced my beautiful country of Denmark? He must be Swedish alright, they get their knickers in a twist over nothing these days. Stay off the Pripps Blå and get some serious beer into your system, dude. You sound like you need it.
@Mike Howell: Well done, that man.