"only" a 9400m GPU?
OK, first, other than really high end XPS systems from Dell, they donlt offer systems with a better (or even equal) GPU to the 9400m in 13 or 15" systems for this price or less, and even the systems that do have a 9500m don;t offer near the features, and have crappy 2 hour batteries and lower general specs.
Take the $300 step up to the 9400/9600 combo 15" and then Dell doesn't even OFFER a competitor, nor doeas HP. All their close systems are well over $2K, are all 17", and are all over 10lbs (Dell's closest is an alienware at 11.8lbs and over $2700...).
Even the $999 white Macbook beats the snot out of everything else close to it now that it also has a 9400m. If you;re interested in less performance than that, you better plan on running XP and doing little more than web and e-mail... and if that's all you want, then why are you comparing a $599 POS notebook to a media machine like a Mac?
Compare a MEDIA machine, capable of video editing and supporting 4GB or RAM to any of the equivalent Macs and you'll find typically the Mac is CHEAPER and better equipped. in a few rare models Dell and HP come in about $100-150 cheaper, but adding the 3rd party software to do proper pict and vid editing, and other software you'd need for Vista or 7 you likely don;t already own on your Xp machine, then you're still above Apple's prices...