The True Way Forward for UK Defence
This report published is biased towards a very narrow conflict-scenario, and based soley for the next three years against opponents that we already have, or have fought against.
It is critical the The United Kingdom retain the ability for Force Projection globally, which is aligned to our interests, not only as an island nation, but from our capital and historic responsibilities.
Our sole problem is that skulduggery, fraud and stupidity allow for one single US-based arms developer to have sole governance over our UK procurment, managment, and policy-implementation. We all know who and what, that is.
In reality, we must do such: Fire all MoD staffers. Create a new independant resource who is not promised to sign-off on a project - at any stage, on the promise or commision of a pension or directorship from the current sole UK Arms company. Anyone caught doing so will face the charge of treason, and a writ issed. We must then comission independant think-thanks which are forced to sign NDA's. These will be kept secret from one another, and they will be commisioned to consider current UK forces, and potential conflicts arising in the the near (10 year) future. They will all submit reports by a stipulated timetable to ministers and selected military and intellegence specialists. These reports will then be picked through to determine the objectives, and how we are to fulfill them, with depth and precision. What equipment and resources we would require would then be determined. Formal tender processes would be put by the Bank of England to international allied arms manufactures for the exact equipment we would need. They would exert precise governance as to the contract, it's performance targets, and end-goals which the manufacturer would have to fulfil in full; before anything more than 15% of the budget would be made payable. Normal third-party audit governance would be effected as financial regulation is normally governed.
As a start: UK Carriers of the QE type would be scrapped. All project sponsors and suppliers would be fired. A new nuclear-powered carrier would be commissioned to be built by the US. A second would be a later option.
Cheaper, more effective and much more common F35's will be bought - the same as the US Navy type, and at the same spec. The VTOL version may be bought in smaller numbers at a later date, if proved nessecary.
RN and RAF are to merge. They will be known as the UK DF. All pilots will be able to fly from carrier decks as is appropriate to that type of aircraft.
All UK helicopters will be merged in the Army - with the exception of RN helicopters, which will be merged as a sub-unit.
All current BAE programs will be terminated forthwith: Astute will stop at the current number of hulls, Nimrod cancelled, Typhoon stopped, and conversion to a more capable version will be put to tender - possibly to a european partner.
New hunter-killer subs will be put to tender for design, with overall governance and expert design handed by the RN directly with no third-party MoD middleware.
In the mean-time, a fleet of four German 212-AIPs would be put to purchase. These will be fitted for TLAM, SF mission-fits, and their current design. Delivery for the next batch of hunter-killers would be delayed until 2017.
All Tornado F'-types to be sold as soon as possible - without AMRAAM, but retrofitting to Skyflash or a third-party BVR radar missile.
A new design for loiter-ships would put to tender for a fleet of 12 over next 10 years. Type-42's to retire as Type 45's currenly purchased would be rolled out.
Harrier to get an upgrade to Type10 - improved NEC beging core.
More spares for AH1's to be proccured immediately and a doubling in number deployed to Afghanistan.
Reduction in forces based in Germany.
Army to deploy more Merlin to Afghanistan now that they are in control of UK helicopter fleet. Further Chinook purchase direct from US to begin.
Fighting range of Typhoons to be increased, with tender put to european partners to achieve.
More cross training with our Norwegian partners to protect North Sea reserves and territory.
All 292 NHS PCT's in england to be amalgamated into a single national unit. Regional offices of far fewer number deployed, and downsizing of overstaffing to save billions per annum. All failing NHS IT project to stop, and legal proceedings brought against failed suppliers for recompense. Several billions reclaimed in total.
A Univesity for Spooks to be created at Cranfield trained and researching into InfoWar capabilities, and the vulnerabilities of UK infrastructure to attack of all types. Mandatory audit to be placed on all large UK institutions - only to be carried out by those trained in Cranfield. Fiscal penalties put in place for failure of systems.
All consumer networked equipment to be tested for security liability: fiscal penalties for those being lax or failing to be in place.
External audit of civil service to take place by non-UK auditors. Report, reccomendations, and policy to be delivered soley to the House's of Parliment Select Committy at the same time as being released to the public. Empire-building to become an evil-policy, and penalties in bonuses and pensions to be implmented.
And with that, Mr. Speaker, I commend this bill to the House.