is a bitch!
Emails from the Argentine mistress of married South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford were leaked to the press by a hacker, according to the Latin American siren at the centre of a political scandal in the US Deep South. The emails were obtained by South Carolina newspaper The State back in December but kept on ice while the …
"Maria claims her account was hacked in November, a few weeks before the emails were leaked, and she reported the issue to Hotmail at the time, who helped her to recover the account."
Sounds like the story was created to make Microsoft look good...
Oh! The convoluted depths to which marketing departments will stoop!
Sure, using horsetail or any other web based e-mail service is just dumb, but the bottom line is that the Governor in question did nothing that could or should make him leave his job. Sure the voters may be pissed, but that's what elections are for. On the gripping hand, the mistress is kinda cute. And while we are on the subject, when did it come to pass that keeping a mistress was a bad thing. If I remember my history correctly it used to be the norm and quite acceptable for persons of means to keep a mistress.
Mines the one with "yes dear, whatever you say dear" beaten into the back...
'but the bottom line is that the Governor in question did nothing that could or should make him leave his job"
Are you shitting me ?? He left the country for 5 days and didn't tell any one. Had No way of any one contacting him. Plus now it looks like he spent state money to see his mistress.
".... is that the Governor in question did nothing that could or should make him leave his job." ... By Mike 61 Posted Tuesday 30th June 2009 13:19 GMT
Hmmm? Being a co-conspirator in lying makes him excellent Governor material then, Mike 61? Or is hiking a known euphemism for extra-marital frolics?
@AMFM: Firstly sir, you honor me by acknowledgment of my existence, but in response, Yes, lying and/or the ability to lie straight faced makes him a perfect politician, although most of the time euphemisms are used such as "omitting key facts", or "great salesman", instead of the street level "liar". But this particular lie is one that was forced on him by societal norms that not everyone agrees with. The lie of being polite to those easily offended by things that are really none of their business.
@kain: The guy could have went missing for a month with no one noticing, as a governor he plays almost no role in anything anyone outside of his home state cares about, and has very little to do with anything that goes on IN his state. His only mistake as far as I can see is that he forgot to check his e-mail and block out his calendar for that time period. And as far as spending state money to visit his mistress, well, I guess since he works for the state any money he spends would technically be state money, but nobody complains that he spends state money to eat, drink, or spend time with his other female (wife).
@all: If he actually did something that damaged his state in a measurable way, then by all means nail the F***er to the cross, but if all he did was slip away for a few days to bang his mistress, then leave the guy alone, let his wife take care of it, if she chooses to do so.
Well, it shouldn't matter much what the guy does in his private life, as long as it's not illegal -- like using public money for private ends -- as long as he does his job well. Maybe disappearing from the State of SC for a few days qualifies as being lousy at his job, so let them decide that.
That said, it's always good to see the hypocrites (aka Republicans, although they can be found in various amounts everywhere) paying for their loud mouths. As someone mentioned, this one deviated from the rather common gay lover affair and/or drug pattern that characterizes these conservative figures (Ted Haggard is my favorite one, heh, but Larry Craig is not bad either).
Fire because, if there was a hell, they would quite surely be going there.
You're wrong (but you knew that would happen didn't you?).
My email comes in by port 25 smtp, then makes it's way to my computer by port 143 imap. Some people use port 110 pop3 - or even more obscure protocols
At no point do I use any port 80 (Http - or more loosely and commonly 'web') traffic to get my email. Some people do, but not everyone
The world wide web ('web') is a protocol/application driven by the hypertext/hyperlink concept pioneered by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in his seminal 1989 paper.
It sits on top of the internets pipes, and might even travel through them - if the pipes are bigger then bigger pictures can get through, or something.
All those high-and-mighty people who are (correctly) berating Stephen Gray for not being aware of the distinction between the Web and the Internet are let down slightly by the lack of captialisation used. The Web and the Internet are proper nouns (i.e. names) and therefore must be capitalised.
And yes, I am from the UK, so I use -ised and not -ized as the suffix.
Unless you use Microsoft OS's, in which case everything you have on your machine may as well be cleartext on the Web.
Unless your email is travelling on a completely isolated network with NO physical links to an Internet-linked network, you CANNOT be 100% certain your mail is not going out onto the Web. So anybody working for a company who claim that their email is "intranet only" might like to ask exactly how those running the service can be sure that their traffic does not, at any time, touch the WWW (here's a clue - if you can receive emails from people outside your organisation, you ain't isolated, let alone "secure").
Oh, and hope that some idiot doesn't attach a wireless router to your unlinked network so they can use thier laptop on the other side of the room... sometimes an "air gap" is not all it's cracked up to be, is it Phil?