just a story of icons...
I had no icon, which i voted was good, unlike some who voted it was bad, but i couldnt stop because I had to go, wtf i thought to myself as i got a fail, i was happy when i should have been sad, my heart was still happy, even though i was in flames, blow them up i thought but then they would be dead, IT huh i shouted whilst some troll on stupid education looked on, i then saw paris, so i got my coat, told a joke over a beer, ESCape at last, I felt welcome until a warning popped up of a bug, which was hazardous, but it wasnt worried about hazards i was worried about badgers till i spotted pirates, and no sign of ross kemp, alien technology and rise of the machines and some dude left me using linux, i thought bill was a saint but after the warning of bugs he was a devil and the other guy is no saint either hes a devil.
Nonsense courtesy of icons.