back to article El Reg commentards offered extra iconography

Last September, in the wake of a rather unpopular redesign of the El Reg comments icons (an outrage subsequently dubbed "Icongate" by shaken Vulture Central staff), we asked you, our beloved readers, to suggest possible new icons, the better for you to express your feelings on our world-class IT news coverage. We then forgot …


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  1. dunncha

    Who is this Bill Gates guy

    And why does he deserve 2 icons of his own.

    I like the 'Big Brother' icon and the 'suck on this' icon

    The problem is it's a little like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

    Jacqui is gone now so all this big Brother snooping is going to stop isn't it........

    A shouty shouty for me please....

  2. Lionel Baden 1

    let me be the first to welcome

    our iconic overlords

  3. Hermes

    May I be the first

    to welcome our new icon overlords!

  4. Admiral Grace Hopper

    Very tasty, thank you

    However, I still think we need to talk about the fixed width thing.

  5. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Yeah, but what about

    {click} Brrrrrrrrrrr

  6. The Original Ash


    Now, how about an RSS feed which includes everything but Odds and Sods? You know... *I.T.* News...!


  7. Anonymous Coward

    The great iconoclasts

    ....can now express themselves!

  8. Jim Morrow
    Paris Hilton

    I don't get it

    Where's the Paris Hilton angle?

  9. Liam Johnson

    oo, oo, which to choose

    I, for one, welcome our new comment icons

  10. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    All that is missing is

    A sinking ship (aka SCO) otherwise, mine is a pint of OTT (Old Tongham Tasty)

  11. Hatan Skaaf

    Badgers' paws...

    Aah, poor badgers...

  12. Test Man


    Just testing!

  13. Paul Donnelly

    hee hee hee....

    We need a Moderatrix icon cracking her whip!

  14. Maverick


    a Friday icon !!!

  15. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    Who he ?

    <--- Okay, I'll admit my ignorance, but who is that ?

  16. fran 2

    I for one

    welcome our new icon overlords

  17. Anonymous Coward

    Risky, but...

    To pre-empt all the people, who inspite of the warning, will post requestiong an icon:

    Yeah, but what about a "yeah but what about an [insert demand] icon?" icon.

    Oh the post-modernity

    (please don't ban me! - Pint, 'cos I'll buy you one if you don't!)

  18. Chris Harden


    Olllllllld Skooooool.

    That is all.

  19. Alexander 3
    Thumb Up

    Icon demand!

    How about a "I want more icons" icon?

  20. Maverick

    how long before . .

    someone posts enough comments to use ALL of the new ones?

    as if . .

  21. neb


    'your foster parents are dead'

    no they're not, i just rang them on the phone and they said you suck =)

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ The Original Ash

    'Now, how about an RSS feed which includes everything but Odds and Sods? You know... *I.T.* News...!'

    No, no, no - a much better idea would be an RSS feed which only contained the Odds & Sods. You know... interesting stuff.

  23. David Mayne 1

    I demand...

    ...a saucy moderatrix icon!

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Big Brother

    who is thos one as well?

    <<--- never seen him before... me think

  25. Anonymous Coward

    Missed one

    What about the "We love the moderatrix" icon?

  26. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    I have nothing to say

    But I want to use one of the pretty new icons. So:


    I may even howl at the moon, or go on the BBC's Have Your Say.

    I reckon I'm fully qualified for a job on the Daily Mail...

  27. Richard Cain 1

    @ Jason Bloomberg

    I think it's Jimmy Edwards, 1950's comedian who starred as the headmaster in the BBC series "Whacko!"

  28. The Beer Monster


    I think you mean an "Any day with a 'y' in it" icon

  29. h00f zillá

    Nice one

    Good work, cheers!

  30. Avalanche


    <- Please replace this one with a Guinness-icon

  31. Robert Ramsay

    @Jason Bloomberg

    It's Jimmy Edwards in "Wacko!". But I'm not sure what you would want to use it for. Unless it's the ignorant schooling the ignorant in line with the Dunning-Krueger effect.

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Re: hee hee hee....

    I so agree, and would be prepared to model for said icon.

    As a Goth Dominatrix I have my own corset & whip.

    Paris? well us sexy girls have to stick together.

  33. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: I have nothing to say

  34. strum

    @who he?

    I can't believe the Register employs people as old as me.

  35. Alistair 2
    Paris Hilton

    A first class selection, and no mistake

    But only one at a time?

    Paris because she isn't that fussy

  36. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Jason Bloomberg

    Jimmy Edwards (I think).

    What I want to know is, where is John Bull for the patriotards?

  37. Anonymous Coward

    what is this one ?

    what is this one ?

  38. The Original Ash

    @Mike Richards

    You mean like this?

    No, I work in a Primary School. I need to not get NSFW content, which almost certainly appears on the Odds feed. It's why I've removed the Reg RSS feed from my desktop.

  39. Greg J Preece


    <<<< Did you get this from The Terminator: Future Shock? Has someone else in the vicinity played T:FS, the greatest and most underappreciated game of all time?

    Man, that game was awesome. So, so awesome.

  40. MnM

    wot no 'Daggerin' icon?

    could have been useful. Thanks El Reg, aside from this glaring omission. Anway, to the meat of what I'm trying to say: who is the pedantic nazi grammar dude? He looks like a Stalin/Elvis cross to my untrained eye.

    Pint as it's gone 11am and it really is time for one.

    btw if anyone has a pair of glasto tickets going spare, then the pint icon would also apply!

  41. EdwardP

    Bloody result.

    Between the pint, the hand grenade, and the flames: I'm covered.

    Mission accomplished El Reg.

  42. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    Jimmy Edwards

    @ Richard Cain 1, @ Robert Ramsay : Of course it is ! Many thanks.

    Mouse-over pops-up "Pedantic grammar nazi alert". Surely that should be Nazi with a capital "N" ? And isn't "grammer Nazi" a Proper Noun so should it be capital "G" as well ? I'd argue that should be hyphenated too, "Grammar-Nazi", but that may just be my old schooling.

    So I get to use Jimmy in anger :-)

    And cue the debate on whether Proper Noun is a Proper Noun.

  43. Greg J Preece

    @Hazel Rees

    "As a Goth Dominatrix I have my own corset & whip."

    You have my attention.

  44. Was Steve
    Big Brother

    @AC - 09:31

    I *think* it's Big Brother from a film version of 1984, I'm not sure. Obviously to protect El Reg from having to change it to the current Home Secretary, as Gordo Brown seems to be changing ministers like undercrackers at the mo'... ;)

  45. Tony S
    Big Brother

    @AC 9:31

    It looks like the picture of Big Brother from the version of the film made in 1984 with John Hurt and Richard Burton. If so, the actor whose face was used was Bob Flag

  46. Stephen Hunt
    Big Brother

    1984 - the film

    < The guy from the film.

  47. Maverick

    @ The Beer Monster

    I'll drink to that

  48. Anonymous Coward

    Just having a go....

    ....and since I'm going to watch Terminator Salvation tonight I'll go with this one please, nice!

  49. Major N
    Big Brother


    I believe this is Big Brother, from the film version of 1984. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also, am I the only person to think the Trolling Alert icon is redundant, since Trolls are highly unlikely to use the icon?

  50. Jolyon Ralph


    Still haven't got one that's entirely suitable for a follow-up question, the paris hilton one has a question mark on it, but that's not really the same.

    Swap it out for the crummy cross-breed terminator/frankenstein one!


  51. Rob

    Vulture Central

    We love you :)

  52. ChessGeek
    Big Brother

    Score one for the UK, I guess...

    I tried to go to Sarah Bee's link and got: "This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions."

    Ah well.

  53. Linbox
    Big Brother


    <--- Rafa Benitez, the Spanish manager of Liverpool FC.

  54. Anonymous Coward

    At the risk...

    ...of censure can I ask why, after all this time there is still no "Me, in my underpants, contemplating the biscuit crumbs in my navel" icon? I have SVG artwork, ready to go, as well as original 12 megapixel HDR imagery for those who appreciate the extra colour and texture.

    I don't understand exactly what more I need to do. I have no choice but to take my El Reg account and continue to use it to post unhelpful, obtuse, and irrelevant comments. You were warned. You had a choice. You have no-one else to blame. I am sorry. You chose this destiny.

  55. Anonymous Freetard
    Big Brother

    Rafa, Rafael

    Rafa, Rafael, Rafa, Rafael

    Rafael Benitez

    ... sorry don't know what came over me then.

  56. Dave Ross
    Big Brother


    This is Big Brother, the original and not the crappy "reality" show version that passes for BB nowadays...

  57. Efros
    Thumb Up

    I want

    an iLiver one,

  58. Anonymous Coward

    I LOVE!

    Definitely, definitely love the new icons... noticed those late last night. Thanks! :-)

  59. Damien Thorn

    just a story of icons...

    I had no icon, which i voted was good, unlike some who voted it was bad, but i couldnt stop because I had to go, wtf i thought to myself as i got a fail, i was happy when i should have been sad, my heart was still happy, even though i was in flames, blow them up i thought but then they would be dead, IT huh i shouted whilst some troll on stupid education looked on, i then saw paris, so i got my coat, told a joke over a beer, ESCape at last, I felt welcome until a warning popped up of a bug, which was hazardous, but it wasnt worried about hazards i was worried about badgers till i spotted pirates, and no sign of ross kemp, alien technology and rise of the machines and some dude left me using linux, i thought bill was a saint but after the warning of bugs he was a devil and the other guy is no saint either hes a devil.

    Nonsense courtesy of icons.

  60. Pedantic Twat

    Mr Edwards, I welcome thee

    <-- just made for me ;-)

  61. Dr. Mouse

    Hows about...

    ...a "theres too many icons to choose from" icon?

  62. Doogs

    @Damien Thorn

    ... has WAY too much time on his hands.

    Well done!

  63. Anonymous Coward


    Is that a penguin?

    Looks more like a Dodo...

  64. This post has been deleted by its author

  65. PhilF


    All these comments and nobody has used the WTF icon!

  66. Jona100

    Fail Icon - Oh dear, what year is it again?

    FAIL icon? its 2009 people not 2006 who the hell uses that word any more?.

    What next 'Bling', 'Not' and 'Yuppy'. Nothing ages like the Zeitgeist.

  67. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: Fail Icon - Oh dear, what year is it again?

    We use these things in an arch, satirical, once-removed kind of way.

    Except in your case.


  68. Anonymous Coward

    Fix the goddam Title text box FFS.

    fuck I'm still so angre that it hasn't been fixed...

    Grr now wheres my Im sooo friggign angry icon?

    ahh that'll do.

    (for those wondering the actual text box is about 1/3rd of the size of the rectangle surrounding it. [if you must try to fill the box! 30 w should do it.])

  69. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Halo

    But shirly..

    this icon could have been slimmed a little..

  70. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    @ Sarah Bee

    All Hail the Mighty, (sometimes) Merciful Moderatrix, who Makes Mincemeat of Miscreants and Manages the Mob of us, the unruly, unwashed commentards! I thank you for the education, you so thoughtfully provided for me (

    Of course, I have only the opinions that you deign to allow me to hold. However I 'reckon' that this should be your icon, and so I dedicate it to you. It has a nice double meaning, in that it obviously represents the adoring heart, but if you squint a bit could also stand for the freshly-whipped backside of an incautious commentard demanding a new icon. I'm assuming you use a whip with a nail in the end, for extra 'impact'...

    Actually an icon for 'I have no properly thought-out opinions, but I reckon that I know more about engineering than the person/company portrayed in the above story' would be quite welcome... Perhaps a sliderule being shoved up the arse of an architect would do quite nicely?

  71. Number6

    Missing an important one

    There should have been a "hail to the Moderatrix" icon.

    I guess I'll use the grenade icon instead, it's probably safer.

  72. Paul Ross


    <--- "Can you top-up this pint please"

  73. Grammar Nazi

    Oh no

    I'm going to have to start posting more often. Or actually posting. Expect me to pop up in threads with a high level of FAIL. Or not, depending on how bored I am at the time.

  74. Anonymous Coward

    Need Two Version of this Icon

    One imperial (english) Pint for the UK readers.

    and a tiny ickle American US Pint, for those from across the pond.

    and while I'm at it, I suppose a third, a demi-litre for our euro compatriates..

  75. Ke

    What about a decent big brother image?

    Perhaps from the 1984 film?

  76. Yorkshirepudding

    epic win nearly

    you forgot the epic win icon YOU FAIL!!!11

    no just kidding! i heart REG!

  77. Anonymous Coward

    Re: Missed One

    > What about the "We love the moderatrix" icon?

    That's this one.

    After all, she IS a "moderatrix".

  78. Anonymous Coward
    Big Brother

    Re: New Icons

    <-- Hey! It's a Yanni icon!

    @ Ms. Bee

    Re: Re: Fail Icon - Oh dear, what year is it again?

    Can we do multiple icons too.

  79. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Yeah, but what about...

    ... an "I want to be mistreated by the moderatrix" icon?

  80. Aortic Aneurysm

    @ jona100

    "By Jona100 Posted Wednesday 24th June 2009 11:42 GMT

    FAIL icon? its 2009 people not 2006 who the hell uses that word any more?"

    You'll probably find that FAIL is very popular amongst web culture at the moment.

  81. Pirate Dave Silver badge

    so many icons to choose from

    ...why do I always pick the jolly roger?

    What IS that Esc icon for?

  82. unitron

    Moderatrix Icon Suggestion

    A search of Google images for "Mrs. Peel" should provide a few good candidates.

  83. The Beer Monster

    @Pirate Dave

    Alt tag is "You owe me a new keyboard". Esc key appears to be covered in coke. That'll be the liquid beverage, not Bolivian Marching Powder.

    Guess it's to be used for replies to humorous posts.

    Not that you get many of those round 'ere...

    *legs it, sharpish*

  84. Big Al

    @ Jona100 - FAIL still in vogue

    Wha'? I still see 'FAIL!' used on various boards on a very, very regular basis!

    You may need to get out less often...

  85. James 55
    Thumb Down

    The FAIL and WTF icons

    are childish and shit.

    And will probably lower the tone of the Reg still further from about 17-18 years old to around 15.

    I could deal with 17-18 as that's almost an adult audience. Not sure I can be arsed with a new influx of ROFLCOPTER's.

  86. Pirate Dave Silver badge

    Thanks Beer Monster

    I get it now.

    Perhaps it's best reserved for those infrequent times when we get a new BOFH story... better even when it's a funny one that doesn't mention the Platinum Cookies.

  87. Sabine Miehlbradt


    No period icon?

  88. Mark Rendle


    Still no hornéd Tux, I see.

  89. anarchic-teapot

    Re: what is this one ?

    It would appear to be a closeup of a computer keyboard stained with some sort of brown liquid, probably caffeine-based.

    Incidentally, the bloke with the horrendous moustache is some Soviet-era Georgian called Dzhugashvili, who used to be cited to psychology students as a probable example of the very rare mental illness of pure paranoia.

  90. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    @Jim Morrow

    Where's the Paris Hilton angle?

    Hello, where were you?

    You just got screwed again!

  91. Anonymous Coward

    @Hazel Rees

    We don't believe it without piccies.

    @AC 11:28 GMT

    Is that a penguin?

    Looks more like a Dodo...

    Oh, I thought you said it looked like a PEDO...


    We use these things in an arch, satirical, once-removed kind of way.

    Except in your case.


    OUCH! Spanked by the Moderatrix!

    Anyway, that pint should be a tall single malt, neat!

  92. Anonymous Coward

    @AC 17:27 GMT

    Come to Whitby, Yorkshire this weekend and take your own......

    Why should I show you lot for free what others have to pay for?


    Population Grows Quantitate... brr, ...vely And Qualit... Better Meet

    This is my first msg to this world (:

    Some two more lines down those are maybe left for the future generations? 'Tis no problem if there could be even more icons, I suppose.

  94. Petrea Mitchell

    I still miss the dead vulture

    I'd show my fury properly by posting with the "I’m so furious that I am removing El Reg from my bookmarks" icon, if only it were correct... d'oh!!

  95. Anonymous Coward

    re Fix the goddam Title text box FFS.


  96. Jacob Reid

    Loving the new icons

    But I still think the dead vulture should make a return.

  97. Anonymous Coward


    Yebut. Nobut, Yebut. Oooo

    yeah but what about an [insert demand] icon?

  98. wayne 9

    WTF are you reading El Reg at work for anyway.

    Sarah is probably going to want slap me upside the head (no, pictures of that will not be in the public interest), but do you people really need to read El Reg during your work day?

  99. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Icons are for the weak

    Aren't compulsory titles bad enough?

  100. Andrew Macdonald

    "yeah but what about an [insert demand] icon?"

    And where, pray, is the ODFO icon?

  101. Dr Patrick J R Harkin

    But why......

    can I only have ONE icon on each message? What if I want to suggest that the thought of Big Brother watching Paris Hilton installing embedded Linux in a Black Helicopter had caused Steve Jobs to ruin his keyboard? (As a joke, obviously)

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