Put a flash and nice optics in
Hero + Title = purchase.
The wait continues.
HTC has taken the covers off of its third smartphone based on Google’s Android OS. But does the firm’s latest phone sport sufficient features and a decent enough UI to shake the foundations at iPhone 3G S HQ? HTC_Hero_02 HTC's Hero: an Android phone running HTC's own Sense UI The first thing to mention about HTC’s new …
All the best things about a HTC phone without the main negative, Windows CE (or whatever they are calling it this week). Plus a version of Android that doesn't look like Gnome's deformed offspring. Baring horrible reviews I think this will be the phone I swap my iPhone for at the end of the the year.
What a Sony P800-p910i could do, these so called Smartphones, haven't actually improved vastly over the years, have they?
It all seems to be centred around Facebook and fiddly apps which may while away a bit of time on the tube from home to work, but there's so much more to life than fiddling with an app or becoming fixated on facebook or what others are twittering on about.
But then, what hope is there if an ISP cannot cope with the amount of bandwidth it's customers are using for online gaming, or for just simply watching BBC iPlayer, then what chance is there or more importantly what costs are involved for Smartphone users who wish for the same?
Gripe over.
Why does HTC think mobile users are obsessed with the bloody weather!!! Even blended it into the home screen now - we Brits don't need it! -Permanently put the word SHITE up on it in a bold font and save on the data charges for continually updating and rotatting the weather icons from shite to mildly shite.
What good is openness if they don't open the developer's kit to more people??? Right now very few app vendors have WebOS development kits, and that's because of Palm's lack of sourcing them. Technically, the Pre could easily best the iPhone, AND be open source (and don't talk to ME about open source, I was one of the few to own a Motorola A780 Linux smartphone in the US - in 2003!). But the lack of 3d party apps is going to render it stillborne if Palm doesn't get their finger out...and Apple has a huge lead in apps. Palm doesn't even have an app store set up properly...
Personally, I see so many people with 2 phones I start wondering why dual SIM isn't a default on especially the more expensive phones. I'm talking about an option where adding a second SIM means both of them can pick up incoming calls and you can choose what gets used for data and outgoing (hopefully with default).
Travelling with 2 phones just to keep the costs down is a pain in the rear end..
I work on T-Mobile tech support and I cant wait to demo one of these. I'll be interested to see if HTC have listened to the multitude of complaints about the G1, like the horrendous batterylife, the fact that OS1.5 is noticeably slower than OS1, the fact that the battery gets very, VERY hot during charging and the ever missing 3.5mm headphone jack.
Be interested to see what that skin does to the functionality of the OS, or if they've enabled multi-touch on this one...
Apparently it's going to be an Orange exclusive in the UK - so that's T-Mobile with the G1, Vodafone with the G2 and Orange with the G3. I'm really looking forward to getting this - they've resolved all my issues with the previous versions by including a 5mp camera and, finally, a standard headphone socket - fantastic :)
Isn't the article about an HTC Android based device? Just thought I'd point out the fact that the only people mentioning iPhone are the usual astroturfers and commentards that always say it's shit. I know iPhone is mentioned in the article, but gents, seriously it's getting boring reading the same rhetoric in every smartphone topic. Please, change the record.
On topic, the new HTC looks a hell of a lot better than the G1, which frankly isn't too difficult. HTC need to employ some decent industrial designers though.
Agree, would like to hear more thoughts and comments on the HTC Hero not the other handsets.
I'd have to say though, the looks alone wouldn't put me off. I'm more concerned about the functionality.
I'm not upto date with the Android OS and it's ability to handle additional apps. How are they distributed and installed? are they any good?
Well I've had my HTC Magic for 6 weeks and love it. My previous was a Nokia N95 8Gb which, I did like but this is so much better. The android based phones are going to grow in popularity and functionality. This included a hardware based compass. I don't understand why these devices are continuosly compared with the iPhone!!
The Hero is another good step in the evolution of Android
Surely a Teflon (AKA Non-Stick) coating will mean the thing will be a complete bugger to keep hold of!
Looks like a decent phone, but "Hero" is a really, really crap name and what's with the insistence on the chin? Maybe they should have called it the Jay Leno