""it’s classic Doctor Who – really witty and very sharp."
So Russell T is being kept away with a cattle prod, then?
LOL yes they MUST keep RT from even commenting to the real sript writers, they MUST review every single serviving episode to get and keep the flow , and fill in the cockups russell inveted.
remember he tryed to say there is now more timelords, bull, remember susan was a real time lord, a member of Hartnell Dr's family infact, SHe got left behind ON Earth a few episodes after the very first darlek time ship got we assume disabled in the warehouse.
theres also ramana the time lord in the alternative space ,i forget its name, adn she was expected to build her own TARDIS remember, then davis wanted us to beleave there were no more darleks, BUT there were, frozen in the Ice caves of david Dr i think it was.
and many more problems caused by RT and his total lack of consistancy of follow through from earlyer original run Drwho classics, and his obsession to let everyone know his sexual pride and preferences subtexted in his all his crumby scripts, hardly fitting for a family tea time scary show is it...
now perhaps if they made it a FULL 90minutes+ with pertwee, or at least in his style of scypt has the real UNIT with their comic goody/baddy self contained entitys, and SEA MONSTERS, ray guns,mind control machines and all good things a young lad can get behind and scare the heck out of themselves , play along with dad as the brig, sister as the evil screamy blobby thing and mam as the lady that serves the tea and bacon buttys to the UNIT crews, and rather handy with a cosh to knock the master over the head type excitment, now that might be werth the time and effort.
, but YOU MUST try and give the re-edits some colour processing, some CGI Morphing between stills to try and generate new sequences ina serious manner, proces and use the original sound tapes to at least create off shot sequences to get the kids imagination going,, ALWAYS keeping in mind the threads of the story and how it MUST relate to old and past stories gone by that we older people DO remember seeing once and had it stuck in our minds.