re ac 13:05
it's just this: in the real world you will see no practical difference with current hardware before and after applying the firmware update... but you will see Windows bleaters moaning about how slow Apple hardware is _even though they have never actually so much as touched a Mac_. Now that the firmware patch is available, they don't have a reason to bleat anymore. As AC 13:05 demonstrates, they'll bleat anyway, but they're Windows bleaters, that's expected... and now they have no support for their position.
The firmware update served two purposes:
1 if, in the future, actual real-world hardware could make use of the full theoretical bandwidth available to SATA II, then the by then elderly MBPs would be able to use those drives, too. By that time there will be newer, faster, more powerful machines, and those who need speed will be using them, so the people actually using the old machines probably won't bother upgrade anyway, so the point will be moot.
2 it denies Windows bleaters easy propaganda points.
Reason (2) is by far the most important.