from the users and small local business plan perspective yes,but...
"Wouldn't a bar-code be better?
By Robert Forsyth Posted Friday 19th June 2009 09:27 GMT
Cheaper and more environmentally friendlier.
from the users and small local business plan perspective perhaps yes, but not the grobal commercial profit of your data from 3d party darknets, such as the credit reference agences Phorm and like minded peoples plans to monitise eachand every bit of your digital data flow property,
theres nothing like a good collection of unseen micro wireless devices and SOC (system On a Chip) data as you and all your sheeple go about their day working to pay their taxes to buy the products these RFID tags are attached to, and collecting a sharing said data....
ask any Govt paper pusher just how they love the new up and coming UK digital age, and the many 3rd party databases filling up with obscure and yet seen as valueble data inthe greater collective, for the primary UK services industrys (out sourced to other 3rd partys to save they cash outlay OC) UK PLC hope will finally come to pass and save our lower ranked country rating as the old industrial revolution in the north west did once before for the NW banking enrichment, now moved to the south and london OC.
did someone not learn the long time lessons of the past, and and they seem to just think selling off the UK to the US and other non UK share holders was a good long term plan to re-invest in to the UK,
ohh wait, all the Uk generated cash isnt here anymore its in those other countrys doing good for their countrys instead.
NO real local UK innovation, No local industry, No real UK profits any more ,seems simple enough.
lets hope the EU people are better managers of our needs than the UK and for instance the manchester labour run Govt thats been left in power here so long, they seem to think they own YOU your data and the NW generally... but thats OT for this thread