This was awsome, I wish we had a PM who could swat flies.
Animal rights outfit PETA has finally pronounced on the matter of Barack Obama's shock fly-swat, following considerable press pressure for clarification if the savage act of executive violence merited comparison with the Armenian Genocide. Well, the result disappointingly lacks an international poster campaign featuring a …
'PETA's Alisa Mullins simply says of El Prez: "He isn't the Buddha, he's a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act."'
Really? So enlightened human being shouldn't swat flies, kill mosquitoes or any other parasite bearing insect?
Why does El Reg give voice to these arses?
I'm wondering what animal derived products this pampered western-world living spokesdroid uses?
After all they have a VP who is against using animals for medical science, but is unworried about using the resulting medical breakthroughs. Hypocrites.
Those PETA need professional psychological help, a course of appropriate medication, and (hopefully) a short spell in a rubber room.
So nobody in PETA drives a vehicle (squashed bugs on front of car), cleans their teeth (bacteria), takes antibiotics, or uses that medicated shampoo when they have nits?
I realise the article is tongue in cheek, but they are still a bunch of loons.
I shall resist flaming over the concept of an animal rights group becoming an animal/insect rights group protecting a certain variety of insect that through many years of evolution has gained the ability to breed faster then predators can off them, though i suspect that PETA just want the publicity to try and make themselves appear in the right, as usual, silly peta.
Killing cattle and such for no reason i can understand, one 1cm large fly in a congress hall is really pushing it for an excuse to cry Blue(bottle) murder
Some organization called the People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants and Vegetation (PETPV--pronounced "Pet Peeve") will start harping on celebrities for eating greens or stepping on the grass ("Let the plants grow in peace," they'll say). Next thing you know, we'll all starve to death because we can't eat without offending or killing *something* along the way.
Famous person thwacks insect -> No story generated -> Meeja confusion -> Different famous person asked why no story generated -> Boring response hits Guardian shleb pages -> Cue further meeja confusion over public's yawning face -> Front page meta-article on El Reg -> Profit!
I see your game, Lester!
I'm a veggie, and I think this is shite.
Do they propose we don't take antibiotic, to save the bacteria? What about tapeworms, should we just grin and bear them? Parasites are animals too..
These animals will eolve to learn not to fly in human personal-airspace, those that keep their distance propser. Those that don't. Don't.
...John Prescott isn't president or PM. One good left hook and any annoying insect (or higher annoying life form, protester, journalist etc) will be in trouble.
IT angle to this story? I'm sure someone will bring out a flash game or fly-swat simulator.
PETA? Have they already eradicated animal cruelty so they have nothing important left to do other than comment on trivia?
I swat flies. If they are in the house I give them the chance to leave but if they refuse to comply with the open window, they get bashed. It's acceptable behaviour with police forces, so it must be ok with insects.
" Some organization called the People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants and Vegetation (PETPV--pronounced "Pet Peeve") will start harping on celebrities for eating greens or stepping on the grass ("Let the plants grow in peace," they'll say). Next thing you know, we'll all starve to death because we can't eat without offending or killing *something* along the way."
Chesterton (as usual) was prescient in this field. Here is a paragraph from 'The Napoleon of Notting Hill":
"Then there was the opposite school. There was Mr. Edward Carpenter, who thought we should in a very short time return to Nature, and live simply and slowly as the animals do. And Edward Carpenter was followed by James Pickie, D.D. (of Pocohontas College), who said that men were immensely improved by grazing, or taking their food slowly and continuously, after the manner of cows. And he said that he had, with the most encouraging results, turned city men out on all fours in a field covered with veal cutlets. Then Tolstoy and the Humanitarians said that the world was growing more merciful, and therefore no one would ever desire to kill. And Mr. Mick not only became a vegetarian, but at length declared vegetarianism doomed ("shedding," as he called it finely, "the green blood of the silent animals"), and predicted that men in a better age would live on nothing but salt. And then came the pamphlet from Oregon (where the thing was tried), the pamphlet called "Why should Salt suffer?" and there was more trouble...."
(the 'technical content' here is English Literature, but still likely to require degree-level education...)
Seriously, wasting time over a fly? Their main purpose is to eat shit and lay larvae. There's millions of the bastards.
Shit, send him a fucking great big flame-thrower for taking MORE of the little bastards out.
Once PETA stop killing animals themselves and using products tested on animals... they can still shut the fuck up!
A few years ago, I worked at an outlet of the natural foods chain "Wild Oats" in the US (since swallowed up by Whole Foods). I had to work alongside some PETA members. These idiots (I would use something MUCH stronger but minors maybe reading) tried to get the meat department shut down. They failed. Those of us working the grocery, deli and meat departments used to annoy them endlessly by chowing down on animal based treats (provided by the dead animal department and cooked up by those of us in the deli). All of those PETA members worked as cashiers and wore their little "Meat is Murder" buttons on their company issued shirts.
Seeing PETA jumping on Obama for using an electric shock fly swatter does not surprise me. They want him to catch the fly and release it somewhere else? What about a mosquito carrying malaria or plague fleas? Sorry PETA, I will stick with the "swap first, ask questions" later method of pest control. To be quite frank, PETA needs to remove themselves from the food chain since they don't understand our part in it (aka pinnacle predator in most areas unless there is something larger and toothier hanging around). I suggest a large fire...
"Precisely - and the last time I made that point I was told that there are people who only eat things - such as fruit - that exist to be eaten...
Ah... but do they shit everywhere I ask?"
Hmm, interesting point from the tree-huggers. Fortunately, many animals exist to be eaten. How the fuck do you thing predators survive? Ever been to the African Savanna and watched a vast herd of wildebeest get attacked by a predator? Maybe a crocodile or a lion?
Fuckwits like PETA's Alisa Mullins should be taken out to the Savanna to spend some time explaining to a lion what being at the top of the food chain is all about.
Hundreds of thousands of people die every day from torcher, famine, war and these assholes are making a big issue about a fly. I'd like to see any animal rescue these assholes when they're in trouble, not to mention the billions of healthy animals they've killed humainly to end their suffering. Oh and wheres the IT angle on this or did he chuck his blackberry at it to kill it.
Little Fly
Thy summers play,
My thoughtless hand
Has brush'd away.
Am not I
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?
For I dance
And drink and sing
Till some blind hand
Shall brush my wing.
If thought is life
And strength and breath;
And the want
of thought is death;
Then am I
A happy fly,
If I live,
Or if I die.
... personally, I prefer not to kill insects without a decent reason. I don't go to any great lengths to avoid it but to me anything living is an entity of such wonderful complexity that it's just petty vandalism to snuff it out without decent cause. Pissing me off by repeatedly flying in my face usually feels like decent cause, at least at the time. Also, feasting on my tomato plants is a casus belli.
There's already such a thing.
They''re called new age retro hippies.
You know, someone should put those PETA folks on a sealed plane then let loose a box of venomous snakes, malaria-bearing mosquitoes and African Tsetse flies. Let's see how they handle that.
Skull and crossbones. Because Sportacus from Lazytown just called me a pirate.