W(h)ine! W(h)ine! W(h)ine!
OSX doesn't have a Windows compat layer to "ease" people over, they simply state the bleedin' obvious. "Yes this is new and it's not Microsoft Windows, but not entirely different from what your used to. So get along to a store give it go. Bring you Windows PC into the Apple store and we'll get you moved over!" ( I believe from memory that's in one of those annoying Apple ads! )
There's the difference! Apple not only have a massive budget for marketing and can hire the ad-men to make it happen, Apple preach and reach out to the average person and talk their language. Apple talk in terms of web browser, spreadsheet, word processor, desktop PC, home movie editing, MP3 playing, they don't bang on about running Windows apps in an emulator. Linux ads go bleating on about technical issues and compatability this and that. The average user ( if such a person exists these days!) has a core set of tasks they need to be able to do, stop selling Linux as a Windows replacement, it's not, it's a Windows alternative, like Apple is an alternative, not a replacement. If they want to pitch Linux, the tech angle has to stop, it has to reach a middle ground that we can all understand, no not dumbing down, but common ground.
Linux needs to be pitched with the right amount of BS and the right amount of honesty, just like any alternative product fighting the markety leader. "You can run this great alternative to Windows, you can run your spreadsheet, web browser, MP3 player and home movie editing software. Best of all, the entire kit and kaboodle is 100% free! Yep, you only pay for the hardware, the software is 100% legally free! Want to share your Powerpoint presentation or spreadsheet with your colleagues? No problem at all, it's compatible with existing Microsoft and Apple software, all the software you need is right there on the PC, ready to go! Plug in and play!".
I love Ubuntu and Fedora, use 'em all the time at work, but it will never hit mainstream until we understand it's a product and as such needs to be "sold" as such, stop the Wine crap and talk in terms of apps and tasks to be done, not technical. Lack of decent games and the inability to run Windows apps ( within standard OSX) hasn't stopped Apple for shipping bucket loads of overpriced kit by the create load has it!