"Homo's Devil Machine"?
Who'd have thought that there's a snap for that?
(With apologies to Apple)
An Italian eBayer has not yet clocked that he's been rumbled for linking to a photo from someone else's personal website in an attempt to offload a handheld CB radio. A Reg reader spotted the outrage - hosted on his servers - and decided to replace the image with something more provocative. The sale is here, and you'll need to …
"And before the knee-jerking commentards among you weigh in with pro-gay indignation venting from both ears, check out the background to the picture here under "Employing irony in the marriage debate"."
We are not Yanks, I think we get the concept of irony, especially in a blatantly obvious (and highly amusing) case like this..
How dare you employ irony on a internet published article.
Irony requires engaging brain before responding. This is not what teh interweb was invented for. Citizens of teh interweb are proudly incapable of understanding irony because it is the work of the devil and confusingly similar to lying.
Fire icon, because that's where you'll all burn in eternity for this.
When someone hotlinks images without permission, I thought the standard practice was to use goatse, Pain Series, etc (do NOT type these into google images) or something else suitably mind-damaging to those not hardened by years of exposure to the internet.
Steve jobs because Apple computers are possibly the strongest association with 'homo devil machine' you will find.
It says: ""We're trying to show how important gay people are to the American culture," Lang explained. "We're not mental. We're not immoral. But we're important to society and interwoven into the tapestry of America." "
Didn't he know Turing was British?
Typical Americans, showing up late for the war, trying to take all the credit...
When I found that someone was pulling a graphic from my server for use as an avatar on his own site, I found that he wasn't scaling the image. My simple solution was to replace said graphic with a 40000x20000 pixel black GIF - low file size, but one hell of a screwed layout!
The icon is a simple instruction to follow when thinking of linking like this...
does that mean people should be parading around the streets with retarded signs encouraging the acceptance and extension of the suicidal community? Seriously, I don't want to know about other people's sexual habits be they straight, gay, attracted to people with a missing limb.
Yes, Ian, but we all know the crew of the US submarine which recovered the Enigma machine AND the code books were all of them, to a man, homos – as are all serving submariners.
Those submarines aren't shaped like that for nothing, you know!
AND they run Windows for Warships, the evil homo porno operating system.
Will someone please think of the children?
The britich guy might have decoded the enigma but the Yanks DID win the war for little old blighty that could do little more than to hide on there little gay island klattering there knees while there goverment took notes of how to make a policestate the Nazi way. The Yanks suck but give them credit where credit is due. The US won the war for the alliance.
I had something similar, my website with an image I created was being hotlinked to an east asian myspace of sorts as a tiled background.
The image was about 1.5 megs, and the guy had a 100 or so friends who would check his page often, and while my bandwidth could handle it, I was a bit irate.
So, after a quick replacement with Tubgirl, the image was swiftly removed from the guys page.
I then laughed as a few of his comments had horrified emoticons for a day or two.
You sir, are a complete fucking moron for more than one reason.
The Americans won the war? Don't make me laugh.
We were fighting the Axis for OVER TWO YEARS before the US got up off its arse and decided to join in. Tens of thousands of British people (Not just soldiers - Women & Children too) were killed in the war - not cowering in the corner as you suggest, but all working together to build the war machine and to manufacture arms & ammunition.
And don't believe that they joined for altruistic reasons (Or just because of Pearl Harbour). They knew that if we had lost, and the Nazis took over Europe, that they would have sat, and built up their forces until they had an overwhelming force, then attacked the US, and utterly squashed them.
Hitler's aim was WORLD domination, not just European Domination.
Could we have won the war without the Yanks? No, almost certainly not.
Would the world be speaking German right now if it wasn't for the ingenuity, bravery and selfless sacrifice of the entire British people? You can guarantee it.
So take your illiterate drivel and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Idiot.