More plastic police
So the rules are .... whatever Ofcom decides they are.... and they will be enforced by civil contract, because if there was a law for it, then that law would have to abide by the fundamental rights, like evidence and such. And this nicely sidesteps the requirement for laws to be fair by being civil contracts.
Well f*** you Brown.
Ofcom is a £136 million a year non governmental quango, run by Ed Richards, an Ex Blair communications director and consultant to Gordon Brown. It's choices are outside the legal basis for government, it's setup, as a non governmental organisation means it can happily employ politicians and political stoolies and it should be closed down and regulator brought back within Government and under Parliament and under law.
There is no way a regulator should be wasting that kind of budget and this attempt to expand it's role, and use a civil contract to force stuff onto ISPs that you cannot directly require by law because such a law would be unfair.
I am sick of seeing Parliament's lawmaking powers taken away and stuffed under a private company full of Blairites, who make their own rules answerable to no one and tax industry like a government body swimming in cash.