Am I looking at the dark "shadow" which looks very much like a shadow towards the centre-right, or the indistinguishable brick-coloured mark on the roof?
If that's a wang, there are some serious genetic defects in Surrey...
The powers that be have ordered the removal of a brick-based jolly jape carried out by pupils from Sutton Grammar School in Surrey - years after school leavers left a message for ET and months after sharp-eyed Google Earth scourers spotted the 12ft todger: 12ft cock written in bricks on roof of Sutton Grammar School Head …
In the US, stories like this usually end with a comment about "it is not yet clear if school authorities will press charges." Granted, it sounds like those responsible are long gone from the school. But defacing school grounds/public property, anti-social behavior, embarrassing authority figures, etc. can't be allowed to go unchecked. Where's the promise of an investigation?
In the UK we say 'bloody kids!' then forget about it after making them clean it up (if we can find them). This is because most of us can look back into our memories and say 'that's nothing compared to what I once did when I was a kid'.
BTW: Arranging loose bricks into a pattern is not 'defacing' anything. Making a rude word where no member of the public can see it is not anti-social and can not embarrass anyone; the roof was never intended to be seen by anyone. What they are guilty of is making 'unauthorised art installations' and this will soon be written into the rules/laws to allow the authorities to deal with similar situations in the future. That is how we deal with this kind of problem in the UK (I'm not joking)