back to article Chrome update completes busy browser patch week

Google has pushed out an update designed to fix a pair of vulnerabilities involving the WebKit application framework that underpins its Chrome browser. The most severe of the two flaws involved a "high risk" memory corruption flaw in WebKit, which creates a potential means for hackers to inject hostile code into the sandbox …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Yeah, let's break everything at the same time

    that'll certainly make life easier

  2. Anonymous Coward


    ...MS created patch Tuesday to help out sysadmins, then the usual bunch of whinging twats (usually looking after 3 servers in a office of 10) bleat "Oh look MS have left this 0 day expliot open...If it was XYZ it would of been fixed in 33 seconds and an update release an hour later...nah nah nah na nah naaaaa <wave tiny willy in air>

    So although the idea is good, there will still be self indudgent morons who moan.

  3. lord_farquaad
    Jobs Horns

    safari4 beta ?

    "In addition, Apple released a beta version of its Safari 4 browser earlier this week"

    Was that really a beta ?

    I thought it was the official release. I checked the website, and there is no mention of beta or RC.

  4. Alan 6

    Global Patch Day

    Can you imagine that, every computer on the planet downloading 300mb of patches at the same time, that would stress test the Internet...

  5. The original robbie

    Bad idea

    Yeah, so let's give all the Septics 100MB to download at teatime on Thursdays? Right in the middle of my pr0n c0cktales? Boo hiss, might have to go to bed early.

    Tux, 'cos he loves pr0n.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Aint WebKit Apple?

    Isn't WebKit the underlying framework of Safari rather than Chrome?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Quick Fix...Less Problems

    Id rather a fix to come out quicker than once a month. The amount of times ive seen system being infected (And they still do) because MS take ages to do a patch.

    But take any OS software. And its patched within the day.

  8. Martin Edwards

    Re: Aint WebKit Apple?

    WebKit is an Apple fork of KDE's HTML and JavaScript engines, but is open source and Apple code has gone back into Konqueror. In making Chrome, WebKit was Google's choice of engine.

    The relationship between Apple and the KDE developers hasn't been plain sailing (if you are interested, Wikipedia summarises some of the difficulties).

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