@ Jimmer Himself
Jimmer Himself Posted Friday 12th June 2009 14:47 GMT
>>> The simple fact is there aren't five decent browsers to bundle with Windows and why should MS be forced to bundle other Browsers with its OS? Windows is in a dominant market position because it's a great all round solution, it's not superb at any one thing, but it is well supported and despite all its faults it is a good fit for a lot of individuals and business.
Actually that's an outright lie. Microsoft got where it is with Windows for one reason* - they broke the law, deliberately and persistently, in order to kill off competition. They got caught, multiple times in multiple legal jurisdictions, and got away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist - until recently. They've deliberately used their dominance with Windows to kill off competition with web browsers, and if it hadn't been for Firefox then we'd probably still have IE 6 (and web sites artificially crippled down to work with it).
* OK, actually there is a second, an incredibly efficient marketing machine that managed to persuade senior management that there was no alternative.
MS don't actually have to bundle ANY competing software - all they have to do is make it as easy to install some alternatives as it is to install IE. That can be as simple as having several icons on the desktop, or a ballot screen, that allow you to download one of a number of alternatives (and no, that doesn't require IE to be installed first).
Lots of people will probably choose to install IE, but it will mean that a HUGE number of users will find out that they have a choice - a great many users these days do not know that there is any alternative to that blue "E" thing they click to get to "the internet". With that choice will come a lessening of IE's market share, and then MS will be forced to play the game they've made others play - they will have to make IE work with the rest of the internet instead of making the rest of the internet work with IE.