Feder stopped short of specifically praising either Microsoft’s Project Natal or Sony’s Motion Control, but hinted that although Nintendo “did a great job with the Wii controller” - gamers now want controller-free videogames.
I think Feder should speak for himself almost every gamer I know wishes all Wii games would allow use of the Game Cubes controller. Feder doesn't seem to understand TRUE gamers are generally kind of lazy, out of shape, and love playing for 3+ hours at a time. Try playing Wii bowling or any other kind of motion game that requires you to stand long periods, wave your arms around like a loon, and not wake up with sore muscles the next morning. Then there is the accuracy level lets face it the accelerometer devices are no where near as accurate as a analog joystick or digital D-pad. Than you also get into the problems of the amount of space you need to do the motions. Remember how many people broke TVs with Wiimotes? Imagine how many people would break a bone when they fall over coffee tables/dogs/cats/children while jacking a car in GTA. Hell what about the 1st guy to hit his wife by accident while beating a hooker to death on screen?