Strong Arms and Weak Minds do not a Nation Protect and Serve.
"Better to invest in our strengths - Stuff we already do better than anyone else." ..... By Tony 17 Posted Wednesday 10th June 2009 23:12 GMT
Would you care to venture a few, Tony 17, which would be welcomed everywhere.
There is a growing awareness that those that may be thinking to Lead Everything and the US with Economy and Labour have run out of Valid Future Ideas and that puts the Value of the Dollar at Risk of being Perceived as a Paper Tiger. And that would not be Good for the US.
Indeed, unless something Really New and Constructive happens, will Flight into other Domains and Jurisdictions and Security Swaps become a Tsunami Wave of Toxic US Waste Dumping, which will leave the Fed and WallStreet with Prime Ponzi Pariah Status.
It must surely not have escaped everyone's attention that nothing Really New and Constructive has happened to replace the Old Capitalist System which is in Financial Meltdown Paralysis, and that is a further catastrophic arrogant failure which will cost the Prime Ponzi Pimps their Fortunes and their Titanic Businesses ....... for they have not Kept Pace with Global Intelligence Requirements, thinking rather to preserve and promote a Present Crippling Advantage than Host a Beta Equitable Shared Future.
And is this tale ...... .... proof positive of the Real and Present Danger which Incumbent Failed System Chiefs, in their Monumental State of Denial, now have to deal with?
Given their Apparent Lack of Greater Awareness and Intelligence, are we to expect a Systemic Implosion and another Black Hole which will suck away their Core Wealth that was only Manufactured and Maintained with Imagination and the Control of Media and the Word.
In SMARTer Enabled Quantum Control Systems, does one need much more than just a Manufactured and Maintained Imagination, for One Deals in and with Live HyperRadioProActive DynamIQs ...... in a Much Greater InterIndependent Control of Media Processing of their Shared Words ..... thus to Present the Future as a Post Modern Current Reality Project/Civil CyberSpace Program and as a Viable and Universally Accepted and Acceptable Option to Replace any Continuity of the Past, which would not Ably Equally Server to All in the Future.
Would anyone care to Offer a Better Use One can make of the Internet and its CyberIntelAIgent Networks InterNetworking in Base Cloud Cover?