More info needed
Most mobile internet providers such as Orange, Vodaphone and the rest. Don't they have ther mobile devices behind proxy servers and NAT enabled gateways? thus making the attacks mentioned impossible unless you are inside the network? Sure, you could get a mobile broadband USB stick, plug it in your laptop and syn flood the network you are connect to....so? What's the big deal with that?, It's a network, devices can communicate to each other, that's the whole point.
Does syn traffic count to the data usage for the end user? could it be a way for providers to generate cash from users that just hand over money? That is probably one of the more undesirable exploits to do with such a network.
I'm rambling, I know, but I don't care, I have BattleStar Galactica season 2 to watch on DVD tonight! I'm looking forward to it. I had pasta for tea last night. Currently at my location, it is cloudy, but it doesn't look like it will rain.