In my book, any teacher using "LOL"
should be suspended
A member of staff at a school near Cleethorpes has been suspended on full pay for more than two months for briefly commenting on the behaviour of pupils on Facebook. The 35-year-old woman, Mrs M, who worked as a cover supervisor at Humberston Comprehensive School close to the Lincolnshire seaside town, is currently awaiting …
I hope they get their facts right and the truth does come out, too many schools, head teachers and governing bodies try to hide the truth. And that does them and the children who want to learn no good at all.
Of course as a non-qual cover she has no hope of claiming the 'academic freedom' to comment a qualified teacher of the problems of using non-qual's to do a teachers job perhaps?
The lies told by some schools and their governing bodies, especially of former grammar schools trading on their past reputations, is much more of an issue!
Yes I am a school govenor.
8g1 should never of been higlighted like this in the public
WTF !!!
who the fuck is 8G1 and 8G2 and who gives a Shit.
anybody prepared to go to lengths to decipher whatever she was babbeling on about has an unhealthy intrest in schools and will probably get arrested in the current climate !!!
as far as i see she did nothing wrong
didnt release any names.
The worst these kids would of got if any of school kids actually bothered would be a bit of teasing which may encourage them to work a tad harder in future !
Firstly, "just as bad" isn't saying they *are* bad, it means the same as "just as good". She did not call the class "bad" as reported, she just likened it to another class. It's like saying "El Reg is just as bad as the best website I've ever come across" - does that statement say El Reg is bad? No, it does not.
Secondly, doesn't "bad" mean "good" in some forms of slang anyway? Similar to "wicked" etc; think Michael Jackson...
Paris because she's bad...
Firstly, do we know if her profile was private or not? If it was a friend who reported her, then she should sue them. If it was public and somebody random saw it, well it's her own fault for having her profile public.
And the whole thing is pathetic. I'm sure there's plenty of pub conversations where teachers say to their mates/wives/husbands/other teachers "the kids in my class were complete c**** today, I'm not looking forward to Monday". If that was overheard, would they also be suspended??!!?
I remember 8f, man we were a vile class and only got worse as the years went on, two teachers left becouse of our class.
"You can't call them bad, they're challanging" or some such shizz, well my class was down right evil, but we weren't an oddity in my school - if you didn't want to follow the rules the school couldn't do anything about you.
Teachers on the other hand were easily got rid of.
My little brothers year was worse, and I bet todays batch are worse still, challanging authority and being a toe rag is part of being a teenager, problem is, authority is pretty crap nowdays when you're a teen and you can push a hell of a long way to the point where you find that infact the teenagers are the ones with the power if they have a mind set that suits the current climate. (Say the teacher said something sexual to you and even if it is chucked out it'll go on their permenant rumour check.)
oh well, glad I'm no teacher.
...but now pedos and rapists and serial killers now the classnames and will attempt to loor theese innocent schoolkids into their blue ford mondeos!!
What has she done. She should be sacked not just suspended on full pay - this is political correctness gone mad shes done something wrong and shoud suffer for it.
And so on, so forth in HYS/daily mail commentard fashion (I find it mentally challenging to turn off my inner pedant like that :P)
Firstly, what people do and say in their own time is their business, IMHO, unless they are a public figure.
What she said may have been made 'public', but I deride my employer in the local boozer after a few beers, loud enough for people to overhear, and I do not think this should reflect on my employment status.
Secondly, as "Waggers" pointed out, "just as bad" doesn't mean they are bad, and she didnt name the school, hence it should not have brought the school into disrepute.
And last of all, in starting these procedings, they have brought it into the public eye which HAS brought the school into disrepute.
That is just what I was about to say. All she said is that the two classes are equal. Although, re-reading it it does say that a teacher said something(?) bad about a class - and the cover support worker likened the second class to the first - so by inference, she did say something bad about the class. Still, hardly a sackable offence.
The best bit, IMHO is that she is being accused of "potentially bringing the school into disrepute" - when clearly the only people bringing the school into disrepute are those who suspended her - thus turning this into a newsworthy* event.
but it seems to me that if there was any "potentially bringing the school into disrepute" that was accomplished by a school that has ability to discipline it's students and not someone making mention of it outside of the school grounds.
Furthermore, I might have been willing to allow how as I'm not a Brit, perhaps to someone more familiar with the area, the comment was sufficiently revealing to provide specific information, but from some of the responses posted here, I take that being across the pond is not the cause of my inability to specifically identify the school.
Who would want all the trouble of having anything to do with children anymore? Especially teaching, years of training that can go down the toilet for any one of a number of stupid reasons.
If this keeps up, in ten years time, the masses will be completely uneducated due to no-one being prepared to actually teach them. Try offshoring teaching to India!!
clearly she is highlighting the successful implementation of comprehensive education principles whereby 8g1 are just as bad as 8g2 instead of an elitist system where pupils would have been setted so that 8g1 where less bad than 8g2.
Actually, her main "sin" is using the word "bad" ... schools don't want to make negative comments any more ... we got a missive from the English dept at my sons secondary school last term explaining how they would only ever correct at most 5 mistakes in any work handed in to avoid making pupils feel they were failing!
No doubt the school doesn't want it's name associated with words like 'bad' as it might reflect badly on them and sooner or later they might fall in the league tables as parents of 'good' children don't want to send them to a 'bad' school...
Politically correct madness again...
Is that because the standard of pupils' work is so bad these days, and it would take poor teach forever to correct everything, or just because someone up in teaching 'authority' thought it better not to risk upsetting the poor lambs with too many red crosses?
In my day at school, all errors in my work were marked in the teacher's red ink -- and then I could (1) see all my mistakes, and most importantly (2) learn from my mistakes.
Shakes head and gets coat.
"Try offshoring teaching to India!!"
Uhhh, well, actually, funny you mention that......
I've run tech for an academic study on exactly that. Mind you this was at the undergraduate level, so behavior problems aren't an issue. It was only marginally less effective than the standard university practice of having classes taught by LOCAL Indians with unintelligible accents, and was actually cheaper (even taking into account equipment costs and bandwidth)
and eventually fired is/are the tosser(s) who suspended her in the first place!!!
Ok, I know we don´t have any (or only limited) freedom of speech in the UK, but she has in no way divulged who the culprits actually are.
If my kids where on that school, I would write a formal complaint against whoever suspended her, for really bringing the school into disrepute, since a quiet word on the side would have been far more effective!!!
With formalising this it has been put out in the public and therefore really damaged the reputation, but not because of what a non-qualified teacher said, but what sort of brainless idiots they have who actually went through with a suspension!!!
I can remember long after they had real bread that the government were very keen on us helping them catch crooks by snitching to them.
Now it appears telling the truth and shaming the government, school broads and who the hell else, isn't flavour of the month no longer.
and name em.
This proves it! 'They' (whoever 'they' are- e.g. anybody!) are keeping tabs on us. A good reason to ALWAYS have your profile set to anon. My mother is a teacher and certainly lets rip when she's had a bad day. What happened in this case is pathetic and justifies the paranoia about the 'surveillance' state (though it maybe someone with a petty axe to grind). Pupils setting up a hate website defaming a teacher is on quite a different magnitude. It leaves me wondering whether this incident was just an excuse to get rid of a member of staff. It's like when staff are suspended or fired for distributing improper e-mails. Is it genuine concern or just an excuse to sack people without redundancy?
I remember 8th grade (and I assume we are talking about that generally pubescent and volatile stage of school education), God, we were soooo bad...... That poor teacher, she simply slipped on facebook, spoke her mind and paid the price,
Well anyway, this is why we all need to stay anonymous and not criticize any of our fine public institutions in public, because you can see what happens !
No worries, one day, fixed IP addresses will be tattoed to our foreheads and then there will be no dissent, whatsoever. BWAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
"If my kids where on that school"...
This is one of those fucked up schools that can't retain staff and score [poorly in the whole school's evaluation.
If your kid goes to this school you don't care about them and couldn't be arsed to make a complaint etc.
You have no right to an opinion.
If you have an opinion, you must not express it.
If you do express it, and we see it, you will be sanctioned.
We have people who will check to see if you express your opinion, so don't think you can hide it.
Once you have been sanctioned, you may not speak about the sanction.
You have no right to express your opinion about the sanction.
How many more wrongs can we find in this?
I live in the area. The kids in Humberston are just as bad as the kids in Grimsby or Cleethorpes. They're all gobshites.
Fact is tho, she hasnt done anything wrong. I work in education and Ive made it very clear to my employers that they've got no say in my life outside of work hours. I hope she fights this one.
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Or does it not concern anyone that she's being punished for making a comment that:
1. Was Out of School operating times (9:10pm)
2. Does not highlight the name of the school (just the year group, but not naming individuals)
3. Was read by her friends and one of them has reported her (either that she's an idiot and she left it open to public viewing, but then if you think about it, someone actively went looking for her profile).
I could understand the issue if these comments were made during the working day.. but alas they're not and basically the council is executing the "class supervisor" (not a fully fledged teacher apparently) right to freedom of speech.
We have citizens tattling on each other and the state encourages this. Confidential hotlines for just about everything. There is a hotline to report benefit fraud, you can get a criminal record for this, but if you are high enough up then you get let off with losing your job.
It's divide and conqure.