Action in poor taste
I cannot believe this. (a) This is not a hardware article nor review of hardware equipment/device. This is a purely social and policital-economic article. Why it is in Reg Hardware? (b) This may be construed as a rant; please accept it with the satire and venom with which it was intended. :)
"civil right campaigners", "women's groups", "protest campaigns"... Who are these organizations that can influence overseas companies more profoundly than national governments? A series of searches finds this story everywhere in gaming culture sites, but it all seems to just echo back and forth with no new information about who these powerful groups are that finally laid down the hammer.
If you feel that this is *in any way* justified, then you must stop complaining about:
1. The Iraq war. US and UK involvement are making the difference between terror in the streets and the quiet peace they enjoy today. Without Bush/Blair, Iraq would be a lawless land of bloodshed and paramilitary conflict. Oh, wait...
2. Afghanistan "religious fanatics". The Taliban's kind influence on the country was completely justified as it brought true moral uprightness to the land; after all, they ensured GTA was banned there, right?
3. Iran "censorship" and "social injustice". A government must ensure that everyone is morally upright and that unworthy elements are against the law and properly imprisioned, no?
4. Chinese "invasion" and "censorship". Obviously, Nepal and Tibet need to have the strong support of their largest neighbor. Chinese morals are so much better because their economy is better, right?
@ Tom: As for games that allow you to hunt and kill people... How about,, ,,,,
And, since the game being discussed does not seem to utilize guns, how about killing games that involve cars, plane, trains, boats... Or against "most games involving killing, you're up against equally armed opponents motivated to kill you", such as games that encourage you to go "safari" and kill endangered species (Calabera, etc). "I am glad I shot that gazelle from 1/2 mile away - it would have never run away from my loud Defender 150 and surely would have eaten my heart for sure!"
THE POINT: Cultures are different. "Sexual torture" (female circumcisions, prisioner castration, BDSM, etc) and other content that "deviates extremely from social norms" cannot be applied from one society to another - One culture's gratutitous violence that trains children to be sexually deviant psychopaths is another culture's "The Ring."