"and clown-faced Communities minister Hazel Blears"
Ever since I saw her described on a political blog as "the ginger chipmunk" I have been unable to stop myself laughing when I see her picture. A disgrace to motorcyclists!
Desperate PM Gordon Brown has apparently promoted Alan Sugar and told him he's hired as "Enterprise Tsar". Lord Sugar, as he will be, is already an adviser to the government and was spotted at 10 Downing Street yesterday. Sugar is the force behind Amstrad's amazing emailing telephone, but better known for his telly role on …
David Tennant to be "Punctuality Czar"....
Delia Smith as "Home Secretary.."
So we're reduced to buying celebrity endorsements now? Pitiful. Sugar is no different now than he was 2 years ago, only difference is that Brown is currently in trouble and Sugar is currently on TV.
If someone else was big on TV right now, he'd be hiring them to get their endorsement.
brown must be believing everything he sees on TV. first he's phoning simon cowell, then he believes that Alan Sugar runs a successful company. he might talk a good game but his money came from a rising property market rather than successful products.
any why is sugar pinning his colours to a sinking ship? i suppose once you get the lordship then all is well.
I don't ever remember hearing of anyone getting back ONTO the Titantic as it sunk beneath the waves. Isn't Sir Alan brave?
Mind you, a fiver says that David Cameron makes some dig at Brown in Parliament calling for an election "so that the British people can tell you: 'You're Fired!'"
Amstrad were possibly the worst manufacturer of computers in the 80s.
I cant also recall the number of rusty amstrad satellite dishses stuck to peoples houses.
Their set top boxes are terribly bug-ridden and everything they make feels like cheap crap.
Sugar himself is a big tosser. Sure he made it rich, but he's a nob. Like ramsey. I would not want to work for him even if he made me a millionaire in a day. Look at me prancing around in my roller... im ere cos i know everything.
Courtesy of wikipedia:
Critics have described Sugar as "out-of-touch" and his work ethic as "a model of bad management in the UK. Negative, bullying and narrow-minded... (Sugar) rules by fear."[43] Concerns have been raised by anti-bullying charity Kidscape that "publicly humiliating" contestants on The Apprentice may give bullying credibility.[
Yep. 100% he's a dick. He rules by intimidation and fear. One day, he's going to get a nice big off-camera slap.
Evil jobbs cos well sugar is just more evil.
"brown must be believing everything he sees on TV"
Well he does seem to watch a lot of TV. Every time there's a scandal (ross/brand) or some woman off Britain's Got Talent loses her marbles Gordo is first on the scene to spout off about how terrible it is.
A pity he doesn't spend that time doing something worthwhile like learning how to smile properly.
He may not be everyone's favourite electronics overlord but give the guy a break, he's a smart cookie.
He was brought up in a council flat and within 20 years of starting his business, it was worth £1.2 billion.
I was brought up in a council flat too and my business is worth diddley-fucking-squat.
If I ever met him I would like to thank him for the Speccy+3. It might not have been the greatest computer on the planet but with a multiface3, you could save any game you liked to disk. Just think: JetPac, Attic Attack etc loading in about 3 seconds (compared to 3 minutes from tape). It was all that made 128k speccy games viable - who wants to wait 10 minutes for the fucker to load every time? Genius.
I'm not sure why he deserves a Lordship but let's face it, if Lewis fucking Moonie deserves one then I'm pretty sure we all deserve one, even Harold Shipman.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. AMS is an overpaid, limelight-seeking, has-been who has demonstrated a consistent lack of business competence over the last few years. He'll fit perfectly into this shambles of a government, and be just as effective as Enterprise Tsar (whatever that means. Hint: not much) as Gordon has been as prime minister.
"'I'm not sure why he deserves a Lordship but let's face it, if Lewis fucking Moonie deserves one then I'm pretty sure we all deserve one, even Harold Shipman."
All in favour of giving old Harold here a lordship?
What with his services to the country and all?
(The way things are going, hello obligatory gas chamber visits for anyone over retirement age, etc, etc...)
Yeah, he's a technical genius, not some knob who just rebadges somebody elses crap and flogs it on for a premium </sarcasm>
Alan Sugar is not worth respecting, the only thing he's achieved is an accumulation of wealth of the back of other people, his business 'tactic' of bullying and threats is sure to be worth something to the govt.
We used to have what was knowable as a Government. The abandonment of managing the country by people too busy managing tabloid headlines to do this has made the whole enterprise of government indistinguishable from light entertainment.
Not so funny when the latest communication of multiple and manifest errors and mismanagement is dumped through my doorstep by the Inland Revenue yesterday, whose systems collapsed long ago due to ill-considered initiatives and management by this bunch of soundbite artists, and I have to try to sort out the mess just enough not to be wrongfully sued. How many appeal spanners can be thrown into their dying systems causing how many years of delay preventing any of these ever being heard before we are all long dead and buried ?
Wasn't the Speccy the SINCLAIR spectrum - you've got the wrong eccentric brit knight entrepreneur:
Sir Alan Sugar: Short, dumpy, looks like Nookie the Bear, lost it and told us we all needed to buy a phone to do email.
Sir Clive Sinclair: Tall, spindly, looks like my third year english teacher, lost it and told us we all needed to buy a 3 wheeled horizontal segway to transport ourselves around.
Amstrads sucess selling cheap tat that only just met the products spec's, made in china or the philipines by slave labour. the reliability was dubious and the only thing that made the dixons group any real money was getting into bed with sky.
The old speccy mk3 was rubbish as well, he got all the kiddy home pc fanbois to do all the styling and design in the monthly computer mags back in the early 80's then bought up Sinclair which was already on the rocks, then gutted the speccy and shoved the rotting remains inside a green block and sold it as the spectrum +3.
if he got into power we'd all be in serious trouble, cos he'd fire everyone
(for some Gov employees this could be seen a a good thing considering how many are not fit to hold the jobs they are in atm)
Dont forget his favourite trick,
He employs a high ranking specialist for business markets that he has no knowledge in, sucks all thier contacts up, sucks up all the knowledge base they have then dumps them on thier ass on the street, without so much as a thankyou......
Gordy you have been warned......
Your Fired.!
Try thanking Uncle Clive for the Speccy 128 - and with a Multiface you could cut the load time in half....or use a third party drive or Microdrive
You can thank AS(s) for 3" disks (!) and the +2A - a machine that lacked both a disk drive and the ability to load from tape....
The computers from Amstrad were
CPC464 (Colour or Green monitor) with built in Tape Drive, 64k memory
CPC664 as above but with built in disk drive instead of tape
CPC6128 same as CPC664 but with 128k memory
PCW were the business versions
Bought out Sinclair Spectrum and rereleased it.
Also allowing Spectrum emulator writers to use the ROMS for free.
theres one or two things thats not been taken into account.
a) In the form of Harry Enfield - He is considerably richer than yau.
b) he may be a bully, but sometimes thats what business needs to keep going. All the calls about his business practice and lack of business acumen seem to be based on very little.
Last I looked Sir Alan was worth about 800 mill, with his fingers in many different pies.
how many here can attest to such achievements?? - didnt think so.
As for joining the labour squad, I dont think its a good move, but all the best to him.
"Last I looked Sir Alan was worth about 800 mill, with his fingers in many different pies." But is he Big in Clouds? For is that not where IT is @ ? ....... for AIVirtual Remote Governance Network InterNetworking....... Via Glens with Shady Channels and Ancient Hidden Secret Paths.
It is certainly AIMiracle the Government Needs.
Bombes away, Sir Alan..... Incoming ProgramMING.
Alan Sugar did NOT make computers. He got rich as a shopkeeper - selling electrical goods - then hired others to make computers for him. He never created any new technology, innovated, or contributed to the computer industry. He merely jumped on the microcomputer bandwagon by throwing cash at other people; though some he screwed. Perhaps that should be most!
Thousands of businesses fail each year, many are very well run, but still fail. Alan Sugar got lucky. Guys like him are ten a penny. Clive Sinclair, however, is the exact opposite: very intelligent and capable of designing computers himself. Linus Torvalds - not British - trumps both of these men by making a notable and LONG-LASTING contribution to the computer industry: Linux!
I am not a "Labour" supporter, but things will just go from bad to worse (unless you're a CEO or wealthy) when the Tories win office. American voters ran to the Democrats to save them - the British are running to the Tories! How absurd and stupid can you get?
So 1992, Sir Alan says, Brown doesn't know whats he's doing and will feck it up, and now he probably thinks, shit, he really doesn't know what he's doing, and we're all going to go down the pan, who's going to fix it? We'll if you want something done well, you better bloody do it yourself, it's not like he'll be doing it for the money....... maybe.....
We know that on the whole the British public are stupid.
Why else does spam work, litter line our streets, reality TV spew forth, tobacco still sell well on the high street, and Jordan seem like a good role model for kids?
It's not because of our stellar intellect, is it?
Generally speaking the British people are lazy when it comes to thinking. Sure many people work hard, I have no doubt about that, but working hard at tasks without any understanding of how your life affects those unrelated to you rarely produces anything more than greed and paper work.
HE'S BLIND FFS........
he can;t even read the page of 48 point text that he;s holding in his right hand...
how the hell does anyone expect him to run a 3rd world economy in that state...
Mines the one with NuLabour stamped over a Roundel on the back and pockets lined with £50's....
"Down the pan, but clockwise or anticlockwise " .... By Ally G Posted Saturday 6th June 2009 08:00 GMT
That would be into AI and Quantum Sink Sources, Ally G, if Sir Alan has a better bloody do it yourself , Master Beta Plan. ...... and MkUltraSensitive Sensitised, and Virtually Seeded. ....which would QuITe Naturally Control Power for Growth. ....... which is AIReal Big Holywood Picture Production. ....... and the Best of British IntelAIgents at Work, Rest and Play for Quantum Control Systems ...... AI@ ITsWork.
And as Sweet and Sticky as Honey is that Delicate Lure Sugared. :-)
No one likes Alan Sugar.
And he is one of those responsible for the astronomical land prices in the UK, he is a property hoarder.
Brown is a moron, it is like watching what would happen if the kids from special ed got to run a country.
Sugar will just abuse his position to try and start another property bubble, and he will get out of property just before the high, and the bubble will burst again, creating even more indentured servants in the UK (debtors).
ever wonder why Amstrad is not a major player in the computer business??
both the hardware and the software were absolute RUBBISH!!
in my honest opinion Sugar should have been arrested at the time for selling sub-standard goods
the OS was nonsensical tosh
he admitted later he did not really know what he was doing but he could work out that if he bought various components and fitted them in a box he could make a profit
and boy, did he!!